
All I remember about this show was Bridget being legit adorable and super into animals. I was low-key happy for her that she had a job that allowed her to pursue her dream of living with lots of fluffy creatures.

I never read books, as they might be full of “hoe” and then you never know, what is next, pimps and blingz?

ass to mouth is not something anyone enjoys. its something that exists only in porn. literally, that shit aint right. and its a good way to get hella sick.

Bridgettttt! She was in school full time, and I kinda felt like she was being very pragmatic about that setup. But always so sweet.

Do you know what type of bacteria live in your rectum that shouldn’t end up in your mouth? Do you wash your rectum with soap before playing ?

You never go ass to mouth.

Yeah I feel like this identity brought her so much fame and freedom, she is fiercely determined to maintain it was 100% positive.

I beg your pardon, but Kendra was always in the corner knitting while Holly was doing her whoring.

Actually, the slang term is “ho."

If what you mean by that is, “Kendra is a huge hypocrite,” then yeah, okay.

Blah blah blah Holly/Kendra war of words: BRIDGET I MISS YOU! I ALWAYS THOUGHT YOU SEEMED SO SWEET!

And, frankly, it’s so fucking low to diminish people for sex act everyone enjoyed. What if she liked having that dick up her ass ? Don’t be such an Amber Rose, Kendra.

Whenever the name Minnie Driver is mentioned, someone has to say ...

Actually, that’s a good proof. That’s how I guessed for most of my female friends.

Yea Mary Kate is pregnant! I’m sure she’ll make a fabulous mother, she already looks like such a caring attentive stepmother

Conversely they're so ubiquitous here that it never occurred to me they're not grown in the US much 🍌🍌🍌

Thank you for providing additional context.

Her diet is still stupid but from what I know she’s from Queensland, the tropical state where most of Australia’s bananas are grown. And bananas are native to Australia. So she’s maybe not the best example, except for her insane overconsumption.

actually she is from the banana growing capital of Australia. Bananas are the number one fruit crop grown in Australia. They are grown in the far north QLDs and inner NSW. Its the primary agricultural industry for 100s of towns in Australia.

There’s also currently a war on asexuals going on. Suddenly the “asexual” tag is no longer interesting chats and posts but Aces having to ressure others they are valid becuase there’s a movement of “aces who aren’t attracted to the opposite gender need to gtfo of the LGBT+ community and are straight anyways”