Murray the Demonic Skull

Hannibal. Hannibal is eating Martha.

The Golden Shower of Television

You could end up with a terribly disturbing wedding video.

I for one would enjoy a movie

Zach "Danger" Brown : the potato salade guy. Sounds edgy.

"Oh Thorin, I love the way your beard feels against my cloaca", growled Smaug, while Bilbo, blinded by the smoke and hot steam in the cave, kept looking desperately for his ring.

Every time I think I read the worst of slash fan fiction but apparently not. Internet is truly the horrifying gift that keeps on giving.

You should check his interview on Speakeasy if you haven't seen it yet. Hodgman seems to be very funny and interesting outside of acting :

Based on previous exhibitions of panache, I have no doubt your efforts will bear fruit. Indeed I dare say the resulting uptake in revenues ought to be nothing short of bananas.

Ah you sucker I did my laundry last night so now I can enjoy myself staying home… doing…. absolutely nothing.

Every episode that's more or less Roger-centric is usually excellent.

So…it's not Boehner time then ?

I'm afraid I must insist. You see, my wife, she has been most vocal on the subject of the Pasta pass monies. "Where's the money? "When are you going to get the money?" "Why aren't you getting the money now?" And so on. So please, the money.

I went to see a movie yesterday and during the preview there was an announcement for a band tour that started like this :

"This was unusually lengthy for an article on Olive Garden. Not that I'm complaining about it."

I guess you 'll have to ask him ! Congrats for the interviews by the way. On what channel are you going to be on ?

Have you tasted his wine ? Not that bad.

Here you go :

We also don't shower and eat raw onions for breakfast.

What an excellent pun. I bow before you.