We're playing most hateful character on Friends and nobody said Ross yet ?
We're playing most hateful character on Friends and nobody said Ross yet ?
Upvoted because the funk should always be upvoted.
My dinner Monday night consisted of a sunset sarsaparilla, a gecko steak and a bottle of dirty water.
I use my parents DIK on the GO account.
I saw earlier that you listen to Kendrick Lamar may I suggest this particular song :
https://www.youtube.com/wat… ?
I always secretly wanted to cross bones with you.
Finally. My time in the spotlights has come.
Everyone knows rock attained perfection in 1974. It's a scientific fact.
ppl hoo dont.
The A.V Club
Cheech Marin ?
This pun thread is crossing the line.
Upvoted for Biréli Lagrène !
You know I think I'm starting to discern a recurring pattern in your music tastes @avclub-a74751295995aad6799bb16021522543:disqus.
I just want to say that I'm very jealous of your username and your avatar.
Johnny Lee Hooker - House Rent Blues
And you haven't even seen my graphs and my SWOT analysis !
Hmm basically something along the line "Developing competitive intelligence for a better Regional Innovation Strategy."
(loose translation from the french)
Internships ends tomorrow and I'm going back home to my parents until I find my first job.
Leonard does'nt like this post.