You forgot masturbating.
You forgot masturbating.
My favorite band when I was twelve : Steely Dan. Yeah I know.
He makes 4 million a year if that makes you feel any better.
Hey @papertiger41:disqus remind me you're the one that own that sweet pickup truck I saw on the parking lot yesterday right ? Yeah ? So are you doing anything this weekend ?
" What ?! It's not name dropping if it comes up organically."
Mmmh…forbidden sandwich portfolio.
"I'm back. And this time I'm going to kick ass."
Madre de Dios ! Es El Pollo Diablo, the giant Demon Chicken !
Not here in europe. I have a friend who is doing her master thesis on a couple of witch trials in a remote town in the 15th and 16 th Century. Spoiler alert : they all end in a bonfire.
James ? is that you ?
So what kind of magic underwear does a TV Mormon wear ? …I'm asking for a friend.
:: scribbles down notes frantically ::
Careful one of my comment got deleted when I made a parody spambot answer this morning. So much work and love down the drain !
Holy crap I'm old. Thank god Evil is eternal.
Upvoted for teaching me the word "scuzzbucket"
I'll bring the machine that turns water into cocaine.
I think I'm going to ask for royalties.
Someone said future gimmick account ?
Fucking mondays.
Something something sweet Laurel Canyon sound.