
The unholy trinity.

This is kinda like arguing that some members of the Trump cabinet aren’t that bad. Which, sure, they’re not as bad as Trump! But they still work for him.

I’m guessing bald on top, with a fringe of wispy blonde hair?

There was mass hysteria there when Barstool announced a few years ago that they’d no longer allow racial slurs in the comments. For real.

Don’t forget personal attacks against the writers, especially if they are women. And based on the twitter link for this post - achieved.

This guy’s insecurity and the insecurity of his pitiful disciples would be amusing if our wells were not already poisoned by widespread aggressive ignorance. Everyone involved with Barstool is a net negative to society. There’s really not much else to say on the matter. I applaud those who call these people out for

Portnoy began selling a T-shirt depicting Ponder as a clown”

Don’t forget

Living as close to Buffalo as I do, yet in a different country, I often wonder if any Trump Supporters or Bills fans are literate.

Barstool, however? Not a chance.

Imagine if more of them were literate!

Nah dude. They’re totally not mad about getting cancelled at ESPN. They’re laughing about it. With all of these funny funny jokes. Like, do you even get satire? 

None of this would have happened if someone had informed this poor lady that Saturdays are for the boys!!!

Might as well preempt these before the Stoolie brigade descends upon this article.

Oh come on; he’s not a monster.

Agree, the “I don’t have any politics” thing is super frustrating because it’s a byproduct of privilege. You probably don’t have to worry about politics if you are a straight wealthy white male. But if you have to worry about your family being deported, or about not being able to get the medical services you need

Nobody should want to hear someone championing the feelings of racists and sexual harassers over victims’ feelings

Back in the shed for you.

“trolling” is such a BS excuse. 99% of the time, the person doing the so-called trolling believes emphatically the reprehensible shit they are spewing — they just want to use the word “trolling” as an escape hatch to avoid social consequences of being a total piece of shit.

He also thinks that comics that make fun of Christianity are being lazy. If you’ve ever watched or listened to his podcast these kind of views have been touted for some time.

Speaking as a middle-aged straight white dude, hey! Can everybody please stop listening to us? Because we are, largely, a bunch of clueless asshole who are so used to people acting like they’re listening to us that we think we actually know something. You’re essentially enabling our behavior at this point!