
I was there for both. Crayon robin’s egg blue, sometimes up to the brow was the shit when I was a little kid in 1970. That’s one of the eye-rolly things about getting old. Not only do you see some of the worst trends from your childhood and youth get repackaged and resold, but if you are of a certain age, you see it

I forget which news outlet published it, but sometime in the past year, I managed to find an article about how minorities in rural areas of the US felt about the 2016 election and being surrounded by white people who likely voted for Trump. We need more articles like that!

I couldn’t read this article, because I don’t see color. Black characters on white background just all look grey-on-grey to me.

It’d be nice if they even bothered with some of the activists here in the middle states that are fighting against all of this “economic distress” too. I know some great people who are fighting like crazy whose voices should be amplified. But I guess that would take too much thought or something.

I hear what you’re saying but I guess Juvia’s Place has a special place in a lot of people’s hearts because they’re one of, if not the first, B.O.M.B’s. (Black Owned Makeup Business) ever. And it’s disingenuous when people use the whole “Women have to support women” excuse when they’re called out for something shady.

If they really want to do a profile piece on “forgotten Americans,”maybe they could, I don’t know, go down to the Res and do some interviews there. Or any of the countless other nonwhite groups out there that we (wypipo) in America would very much like to pretend don’t exist anymore, because thinking about all the

What is a Bella Thorne and why is it a thing?

NYT, we already know what the extremists in this country want. They’re pretty damn clear about that without your free publicity. Interviewing them over and over doesn’t generate any new hot takes.

“The American heartland” always seems to mean unsophisticated red state WASPs. I really don’t care if I hear another word from them. We know who they are from whom they’ve voted into office (and stand by); and only courtesy of an outdated system, they are wildly overrepresented in congress and the electoral college,

He seems like an asshole, and a bad boss, but nothing suggests a bad partner.

You should talk to someone about your obvious anger and women issues. 

Hmm. Both your screed, and your attempt at armchair diagnosis of her trichotillomania is not really cementing your argument. As it happens, I also have a form of trichotillomania (“a sign of a very serious disorder”, you said, but that’s not necessarily true), and I’ve never accused anyone of abusing me, and although

Takuro was referring to the pretty big gap that’s currently between this particular bumper and the vehicle it was previously attached to.

Seacrest is noticeably shinier but yeah.

C’mon you’re making it sound like a member of the Hurst family would knowingly give people untrue bullshit solely to protect their interest. That would be yellow journalism and a Hurst would never do that. Nice castle though.

Maggie Grace cancelled her appearance, she was supposed to be on last night and I am hoping it is not a coincidence.

It’s not like “excitable white nerd” is something you can find just anywhere, though.

I love how they pull the ‘It’s a joke’. Jokes have to be funny. Badly written satire doesn’t get to say ‘You just aren’t getting it!’ when the whole thing is just unpleasant to watch.

“I was one of the first generation with anorexia”... wut? Congrats on living for centuries - what’s your secret?  

You have no idea how much I appreciate your sacrifice watching this so that I can then send this article to anyone who tries to tell me “it’s worth trying, no really, it’s super dark and funny!”