
Yes, you are the only one.

Damn is this the Shit on Carole Radziwill convention? There is no way she is worse than Bethenny. I like Carole. I like the crazy outfits, the young boys, the stand up to Bethennyness and the sometimes snootiness. At least Carole had friends to speak of, Bethenny just has staff.  There will be no one to watch besides

It will amuse me to no end if some shit like this gets him impeached even before Muller is done.

change your stupid ass name


My guess is he wants off the registry so he can change his name and live in anonymity.

I’m fairly certain this cretin is incapable of becoming a better man. His parents are at least partly to blame but him being a shit person is also partly his fault. The fact that he made the whole thing about him, and his pain and his suffering and all the stuff that was being ‘taken’ away from him as the result of

Back when this happened I ended up in ONE OF THE MOST AWKWARD AND GROSS CONVERSATIONS EVER with someone who was cautiously taking the stance that fingering “isn’t as bad as real rape”, by which of course they meant penis-in-vagina/anus. We slowly parsed this out, and I eventually got them to acknowledge that if a

I hope it produces one of those opinions that is dripping with contempt, but yet professional and legally correct.

“Your Honor, while my client is alleged to have penetrated and placed debris in an unconscious woman, in his defense, it’s not like his dick was in her. So it doesn’t count as real rape. “

He should be thankful he got away with such a pathetically light sentence and work on becoming a better man, not trying to weasel out of the single real consequence for his actions.

I bet if we shoved a finger into either of these douchebags against their will, they would consider it rape. 

I went to law school, and I’ve heard some absolutely absurd arguments in my time, but holy crap on a cracker, this takes the cake.

No, Brock and/or Brock’s Lawyer. It’s been established that digital penetration occurred, and with enough force the victim got penetrative injuries and pine needles and “debris” ended up inside her. That’s rape. I’m sorry (hahaha not really) if you feel that fingering shouldn’t really count as real rape and your

Exactly. How does one “blurt” a text? ALL CAPS?

A ‘brief moment of anger’. Maybe that would work if you blurted it out but guy, you texted it. You typed the word out. You are a crappy human.

Most Michigan State grads wait until after they leave East Lansing to get involved in the pizza industry.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a school with so many people that are terrible at understanding the concept of negative PR and looking like dumbasses.

“Honestly don’t know who for sure but probably (teammate’s name redacted) or another s****y f*****g (N-word) with no morals,”

This is easily the 16th or 17th most disappointing thing I’ve read about Michigan State this summer.