
Nah. Fuck em. They stiffed that kid an at least $15 tip (if they are cheap), because they were in their racist bullshit feefees. And then had the nerve to rub it in his face in an arena where he cant fight back. Thats fucking weaksauce bullshit. Fuckem sideways with a statue of General Racist Confederate Scumbag.

Sort of a wypipo exile island, if you will.

May you spend your evenings eating a peanut butter sandwich over the sink.

lol, so now their just being shitty to anyone with an Arabic name. This is ridiculous.

Hope he’s also allergic to peanut butter.

I hope every restaurant in town figures out who this was. May you spend your evenings eating a peanut butter sandwich over the sink.

The Daily Mail article indicates he used spyware to get into it. Would it normally be considered the employee’s fault if someone hacked into a computer that way?

Not just a crime, a hate crime and a sexual crime, perpetrators have to register as sex offenders, which they are.

YUP. It sucks that those pictures were published, and everyone involved (the ex and any source that published them) should be in trouble. HOWEVER the school district is 1000% at fault for her treatment after that happened.

I remember when this happened, and yeah that is exactly what it was. They kicked her to the curb so fast because she made them look like idiots. Talented 30-something writers are a dime a dozen in LA. But the exact same talent + OMG SHE’S ONLY 19 somehow made them look special and oh-so-hip-and-trendy. She exposed

I agree and I think that part of the problem is the delusional perceptions people cherish about creativity. We want to believe that talent is magic, rather than something that grows and develops and matures with experience. We’d rather hire a 19 y/o magically writing like a seasoned 32 y/o, than an actual 32 y/o with

I always thought this woman got a raw deal and admired her moxie. The studio sang her praises to the skies when they thought she was 15 years younger, and all that talent didn’t magically dissipate after the reveal. They got exactly what they wanted in productivity, insight, and ratings, so if firing and badmouthing

Yes. The only believable rape victim is a dead one.

It is desperately needed. This just keeps getting worse. The same guys are being investigated for another rape and there is a restraining order preventing them from going near the victim while the investigation goes on. Serial rapists left alone to rape another day.

Seriously who the fuck records themselves raping someone?

“Yes, explicit sexual consent can be given non-verbally

The judiciary is a branch of the government...

The prosecutors who determine whether to prosecute a case based on the evidence under the applicable law are employed by the Spanish government.

I can respect the hustle as well. If they couldn’t tell the difference between real teen writing and fake teen writing, then did it really matter if she was actually 32?

There will always be men who believe if a woman survives a rape it must have been consensual.