My mom likes it.
My mom likes it.
SHS is exactly the quality of government employee that we have learned to expect from the Trump White House.
“I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so.”
And she also complained about it using her professional government Twitter account, which is an ethics violation. Can’t call for boycotts or support or firings or promotions for specific entities like that. La la la.
They're so jealous that we have all the good food and art. Snrk.
Not ironic. Our shit is dope. They want all of the culture without the people who bring it.
That’s because arts, science, good food and entertainment are the province of us damnable libs.
*Womp womp*
Good. If calling our senators does nothing (as in, this assholes are still fucking employed) and our votes don’t matter (see: popular vote vs electoral college) then the LEAST we can do it make every single one of these assholes uncomfortable for the rest of their miserable, hate-filled lives.
I can guarantee you if I was in the same restaurant as her I'd harass her until one of us was asked to leave.
I think being complicit in the torture of children is a good reason to be refused service. Personally I would find it difficult to dine in the presence of someone actively committing crimes against humanity.
The server who first posted the status on Facebook clarified that “Her family left on their own accord, we didn’t actually refuse service or ‘kick her out.’” They do serve Pellegrino.
Is anyone else shocked that these dolts still eat out in public with the vitrol they spew daily? There’s like a 99.9% chance you will be getting someone’s DNA in your food.
Furthermore she would deserve it! She was particularly vocal on the “religious freedom” of not serving gay people. Turnabout is fair play, n'est ce pas?
She thinks she treats people respectfully because her loathesome father brought her up to spew lies and hate politely and with a smile (though that last part is more difficult for she-of-the-Resting Smug Face)
Dunno why, but I think it would be amusing if it became a thing to throw toupees at Miller. Wherever he went, people just tossed toupees at him.
Though it wasn’t widely reported, apparently HE got punted out of a Mexican restaurant BEFORE Krjsjtjyn Njjijjlssjun. Personally, i think he was scouting for ICE.
I think he would like it.
Yeah, I doubt it’s just because she works for Trump. I think her eagerness to lie to the American people and defend his worst policies has a lot to do with it.