
Yep, same. Plenty of VC Andrews, which I think we can all agree didn’t exactly promote a healthy view of sex or sexuality. It’s appropriate Judy Blume’s picture appears above, as far as I can recall at this late date, she was close to the only game in town for reads about normal-ish struggles with burgeoning sexuality.

What? I never found any books with healthy sex as a youngster. One friend gave me “Flowers in the Attic” in Jr High which I was horrified by. Then another gave me “Clan of the Cave Bear” the same year. I read constantly so there were maybe others but those are the only I remember because I was totally “WTF did I just

How the fuck is Stormi short for storm?

Not a mean bone in his body.  

I know! We need to rescue Roy Moore’s horse, it deserves better, as do we all.

Still better than Roy Moore.

Leg position, for starters. The posture is poor as well. Terrible horsemanship, really.

Reverse racism is not a thing.

Considering that the question of whether artists should work with reprehensible other artists is a hot topic right now, you’re really having a hissy fit that they asked him about a former colleague in just such a situation?

Loaded or not the questions are relevant. skeet is acting like this is some “gotcha journalism”. Come the fuck on. Middleditch is a popular male comic actor starring in a romantic comedy. It’s reasonable to mention gender politics. He was a cast mate of an accused abuser (people keep mentioning rape but I was under

That’s why I loved the character of Max on Happy Endings, he was just a regular guy who happened to be gay. But I think we kind of had to get to that point as a society to be like “oh gay people are just regular people who happen to be gay, duh.” I know straight people like Carson too and it is hard to be around them.

I’m very sorry that people are going to keep talking about men committing harassment and sexual assault. I hope you’ll be able to get through this trying time.

I mean, if your friend is a rapist, I’d say throwing them under the bus is a pretty good idea.

“Hey, here’s a topic literally everyone is talking about and being asked about at the moment, what are your thoughts on it?”

No other shoe is dropping. This guy has been complaining since 2016. I don’t see why a business he doesn’t own would owe him a job,so this latest frivolous lawsuit isn’t going anywhere either. He hasn’t been convicted, that comedy club isn’t a court of law but if multiple allegations of behavior they don’t want to put

Dude Bro Sharia Law specifically states that the claims of numerous women are not to be given as much weight as the same weight as the claims of one single Dude Bro. Even if the number is 18 or more (e.g. Donald J. Trump).

The comic in that sketch is obviously a nod to Louis C.K. and perhaps Aziz Ansari. I did not think about this guy til he brought it up.


“Plaintiff Glaser firmly believes that there was a gender bias at UCB, especially because of the movement that followed within the community was labeled ‘believe all women,’” the complaint reads. “Plaintiff Glaser also believes that O’Neill, for whatever reason, labeled Glaser a ‘privileged white man’ and decided

“He also told the Post that he believes a recent SNL sketch about #TimesUp is about him, claiming: “I’m a punch line.””