Mike Murthy

Fans are crazy. There’s no way they are going to take an established Sci-Fi world long established and loved by fans and ruin it by Michael Baying it. C’mon, it’s not like these guys are like the guys that wrote X-Men Origins - Wolverine or anything. Oh wait . . . Shit.

I’m sure you can do whatever you want at a price. I would love to get one in old school Tangerine 

Yep, some people are so touchy. You’d think we would be by that by now.

So Captain Marvel is gay now? And she can destroy a massive spaceship with one punch, but can’t punch Thanos much harder than Cap or Iron Man? Fantastic movie, but there are so many things sinking in.

This guy is a total dick head and should have his license pulled. Egotistical? check. Corporate talk bingo card full? check. Name dropping? check. Overly artsy self important fashion choices? check. 

It’s a Battlestar Galactica reference. Also known for a huge story with way too much to wrap up in the last couple episodes. They tried hard, but kinda took a knee in the end and cried uncle.

There are actually a lot of people that think it will be a St Elsewhere ending. Old Nan says that their whole world exists inside a giant’s eye in the first season. The same theory is repeated in a brothel later. The author said the clues to the ending exist in the first season, so who knows. I’d put 5 cubits down

Fun times.

Ha. . . Are you Ed, from Airtight Customs on FB by any chance? There seems to be some parallels . . .

Looks like time ran out, or the internet is busted, but it doesn’t work anymore. Oh well sounds like this power brick that others tout is superior anyway.

Looks like time ran out, or the internet is busted, but it doesn’t work anymore. Oh well sounds like this power

Shep - Hey bro, do you even lift?   The price on Amazon after all the links is $300???

Shep - Hey bro, do you even lift?   The price on Amazon after all the links is $300???

The irony is beautiful. Let’s ship 70 barrels of water lithium slurry to Munich to refine into battery grade lithium for batteries. They will probably just have some hazmat company drain it and dump it somewhere “approved”.

A gas car is filthy with two things. Dirt and oil. Dirt isn’t an issue. Oil is actually easy because it floats and can be dissolved with dawn or other products. We have gotten pretty good with that. It’s the heavy metals and other crap creating an emulsion in there I’m interested in. 

Right. Think about it though. We all know the way to fight lithium is lots and lots of water. Enough water which would easily fill this tub. But in a fire situation the water would just run off before any dams were setup. With the tub holding all of it, they can’t really just drain it. So I’m guessing they will need a

So now you have a giant tub full of car and toxic waste. Can’t imagine them just kicking open the release and emptying the water into the sewer. But when you think of it, is that any different from what we do now?

Now playing

I am always unsure of bro talk. Is it bro brah bra or bragh? I am asking because I noticed you used bro AND dude.

& they deliver your drugs too! Now to western Tornonto and Parkdale.

Thanks for clearing that up.