
When I say “typical child actor,” I mean specifically those that keep popping up in the media years after they’ve effectively stopped working. I know plenty of kids make it out fine from the business, but the ones we see most are the ones pulling stunts like Ray J or are in the news because of their weird shit a la

To be fair, he was a child actor with starring roles on popular family sitcoms. It was only after he hit his early 20s and his work dried up that he resorted to being gross and weird for attention. Typical child actor?

Idk why people give him shit like he wasn’t the best. Also full disclosure I wish Rick Moranis was my dad. My dad isn’t white but I would trade him in a goddamn heartbeat for Rick Moranis.

Oh yeah he tiny. Googling says he’s 6'0 but LOL that’s a lie. Unless he is HUUUUUGE, there is no way that dude is 6'0 and to scale.

Just thinking of that movie makes me cry.

You shut your mouth. Jason Derulo is a TREASURE.

You can do both!

I enjoy the image of Lena Dunham coming home to flowers and freaking out. “THIS IS NOT ENOUGH FOR MAH INSTA, JACK!!!!” Violently tearing butcher paper off the roll. “You should have sprung for the Edible Arrangements!”

Only one qualifies for the Aryan Nation membership special?

That’s an insult to Rick Moranis!!!!!! YOU TAKE IT BACK, YOU!

I did the subway thing, too. Also riding the M60 on loop.

Only in Hollywood marriage years, which are like dog years but longer.

Same! Good for them! Seriously though I legit follow Madeline Stowe’s career and it never occurred to me that she was married.

I had no idea they were married. And they’ve been married for a billion years! (Okay, they got married in 1982.)

Getting a lot of mileage out of this gif today. Gisele, I’m looking at you.

omfg I never realized he played Mr. Tumnus lolololol I’m dying this is too much

Oh my god my husband was like this with his grandmother. It didn’t occur to him that she wasn’t in her 50s until I pointed out to him that his mom is a year older than my mom and my mom was 40 at the time.

It is so delightfully off the rails. Once they let go of canon and (presumably) took a goof huff of paint thinner, the show really took off. I am in love with Oswald Cobblepot. Even more so after this week’s episode. That ending! I DIED.

Oh god Kim started dating Ray-J. This just got daaaaark(er).