
I'd like to think that at least one team is looking for prospects who would have the nerve to say, "What kind of stupid-ass bullshit is this?" But then I remember that it's the authority-humping NFL, where anything less than complete subservience is the equivalent of gonhorrea.

I will continue to need to speak for the reasonable Jew community of this country. Engel, shut the fuck up. There is positively nothing anti-Semitic about what she said. If she was talking about any other country, this article wouldn’t exist.

It’s pretty much bullshit.

If Trump does not go to jail for the rest of his miserable life, the United States is over.

First, yeah, something really suspicious going on here.

lol dude picked up his dribble!

He’s still in the “This is all one big show” stage. I mean he’s a total drama queen, so he’s likely to stay in that stage until he gets a really direct awakening.

It always fascinates me to see powerful and connected people getting dragged in to a different world and realize how powerless they are there.

That’s a great photo. Very much enjoying the ‘dirty traitor’ sign. Stone’s facial expression is interesting - part holy shit, I’m on tv (yay, I’m still famous and relevant) and part HOLY SHIT, the judge is going to hand me my ass on a platter.

He's gotten way to many chances not to fuck up. The judge should be embarrassed she's let this go on for so long.

These people won’t quit their shit until they’re finally held accountable. Props to this judge for not taking any of it. 

It’s amazing how many “smart people” seem to simply be petty wankers isn’t it?

Oakman’s attorneys noted the lack of compelling physical evidence in the case, as well as what the Waco Tribune-Herald called “conflicting testimony from officers and a nurse about the level of the woman’s impairment.”

Welcome to Baylor Football

Some doctor said I need “powerful antibiotics” to treat this “infection, but these normal people say I should just go keto and I’ll feel 100% better and never get sick.

Criminally underrated comment.  Those commercials are directed towards the Fox News, Trump supporter demographic though, so I bet you it works.  

This is why you don’t listen to normal people, you listen to experts. 

They didn’t tell you in the commercial that the JD Powers award category was the award for Most reliable car/truck made by Chevy. How many times have you heard automotive journalists tell us that awards don’t mean a damn thing when there’s a category for everything and clearly awards can be bought.

Wait, hold up. Those Chevy commercials told me they won the JD Power Most Reliable award. You mean to tell me those awards are worthless? What about those normal people and their important opinions?