Entities that should be razed to the fucking ground:
Entities that should be razed to the fucking ground:
And again, today, as every day, I peruse the day’s news, scratch my beard, look to the heavens, extend my arms, and scream “how in the ever-loving fuck is anyone dumb enough to listen to this bullshit?”
I laughed at that too— isn’t he supposed to be AGAINST lazy non-working takers?
The existence of our times is scientific evidence we don’t live in a meritocracy. I hope more people can come to accept that...
So...the party that’s over-the-top paranoid about voter fraud is actually responsible for the only confirmed incident of outright voter fraud in recent memory (at least that I’m aware of)?
Typical Democrats sitting in the stands cheering as Zion falls.
No, he said, “he’s sure broke.”
Except they are too stupid to understand the power of the Internet or they would have never voted for it to be available to the public.
When a U.S. Attorney is telling you something smells bad, you are a fucking moron for not listening.
“I’ve heard about this McCrae (Dowless) guy, seems to me he might be kind of a shady character.”
Those who can’t see the future are doomed to repeat the past.
It’s amazing how this irrelevant, powerless junior congressperson (as internet commenters full-throatedly insist she is at every opportunity) has got conservatives in such a tizzy. I thought she wasn’t important? Which was it?
As someone who is Dutch, the Dutch can be very direct (to the point of seeming rude to cultures not used to this kind of thing). And keep in mind, we’re toning it down already when dealing with foreigners, we’re even worse among ourselves. It sounds like mr. Bregman is simply being himself, which is definitely not…
Wouldn’t call him an arrogant douche. Just a guy who doesn’t give a shit about Carlson’s power and mocking him for just trying to steamroll the conversation.
Tucker Carlson’s thoughtful expression always looks like he’s watching two dogs 69ing off in the distance
He seems like he knows what he's talking about and is confident. You think being smart is arrogant?
I’ve been reading about the Dutch. Culturally they just don’t put up with much bullshit. They can be considered “abrupt" by people not used to their ways.
Wow that gave me pleasure tingles. Good work Rutger Bregman. If cable news cared about entertaining and informing he would have a show.
Did you just say that Progressives don’t exist and the movement around them isn’t real and the people don’t exist, at least not sincerely? Projection much? I’d say its likely you and Awesome’s Razor are one of the options you listed or at a minimum acting insincerely or straight up don’t give a fuck about a lot of…