Hopefully this is a lesson for the smaller game makers. Don’t get swallowed up by the big dog just because its the easy way out.
It’ll kill your soul and destroy your dreams.
Hopefully this is a lesson for the smaller game makers. Don’t get swallowed up by the big dog just because its the easy way out.
It’ll kill your soul and destroy your dreams.
Man, Fresno would be so perfect for them. When I think Fresno, I think Raiders neck tattoo. They should move there and call off the move to Vegas to stay in a city that so perfectly encapsulates the team and its fans.
I agree this is a bad look by Sanders and the criticism he’s getting for this is deserved.
Mavs fans should be concerned: this is what happens when Dennis Smith Jr. leaves.
That you consider Rand Paul “smart, incredibly well-versed, and 100% qualified for what they do” speaks VOLUMES about you, my dude.
This is not the correct way to handle bad-faith attacks from conspiracy peddlers.
This is the Ellen that is a truly working for her/our community.
Mafia, investment banks, corporate boardrooms...
Charter schools are a deal-breaker. That’s non-negotiable.
Remember when Booker got pissed about people badmouthing Bain Capital
Booker’s 2013 Senate campaign was funded by Jared Kushner.
This. So much this.
Dallasite here, and I feel the same way. I think the Mavs rep as We Only Want White Guys team has hurt them with free agents. But this is a franchise-altering deal. I’m already talking myself into two more years of Tim Hardaway Jr.
as a Mavs fans, I’m very excited about Krispsnaps and Luka together, but still vaguely creeped out by Mavs overwhelming commitment to White Europeans Who Play the Right Way, especially after Cubans recent comments. That withstanding, this is fun as hell.
The old stroke-a-dope.
It’s incredibly shitty to hire people away from another job, only to lay them off a month later. Somebody knew with was coming; the proper thing to do would have been to warn staff in time to find a new gig, freeze hiring and set up some sort of severance pay or buy-in that transitioned employees to the new owner.
I’m sorry. How the fuck can someone who works at a “millennial-focused digital news site” be “blindsided” when the layoffs come?
Venture capital and media are almost never going to work together.
They pissed off a lot of journalists, who have spent the last couple of years turning up shady shit Facebook has done, which has in turn really wounded Facebook and cost some people their jobs with more possibly coming. So I guess Facebook is a media company after all
The number of people at media outlets who have lost jobs because of Facebook (directly or indirectly) is going to be so staggering by the time this decade wraps up.