
It is the BOSTON Globe. Is there a more racist city in America that isn’t open and honest about their racism? Hell, Texas has big cities that are less racist (Houston, discounting a fair number of the surrounding suburbs). Fuck Boston, it is the most faux-progressive city in America.

And using the hard r matters too, unless you say and do what the donors on that side of the aisle want. Then you can be as racist as they come. Tale as old as time, old white man says he is on the young black man’s side, then tells the young black man everything he says and does is wrong, he needs to be exactly like

An hour out of your year? That is the most white, upper middle class thing I have ever heard.

Yep, and if my wife puts too much pepper in my casserole she has no right to complain about the black eyes she is going to receive.

How about asking what can be done to get him and his communities to vote? Why they feel voting doesn’t matter? What they would like to see change? But nah, let’s just call them all dumb and dismiss their opinions and lives because of that. Obviously whatever happens to them is their fault because they didn’t vote.

Omg, you just blew my mind. How did you get so deep? Man, you totally know how the system actually works, on a deeper level than us all. Please enlighten us. 

You still do not understand the point. God damn are you actually that dense, is our education system failing that much, or are you being intentionally obtuse. Yes, you and your giant brains are correct, voting can solve things. However, you are absolutely an idiot if you think the only answer is to vote. On top of

Thank you for seeing the way things actually are. I hate these centrist “liberals”, they are liberal in the sense they believe money and going along with whatever is preached from high above in the party. It is absolutely disgusting. Maher is a fucking dude that used the hard -r on national TV and kept his job. He is

Way to show I was correct in calling you ignorant. Once again, you are an ignorant fuck. But even worse, you are a willfully ignorant one. I would say your kind are even more dangerous than the people that are ignorant through little fault of their own. But continue to find reasons to not listen to people you don’t

Way to assume a shit ton about someone with the “black person” and “southern redneck” thing. Tribalism lolololol, good projection my man. You seriously still won’t fucking LISTEN! Listen to these people, try and figure out what can be done to get them to vote and back to the democratic process. These people have been

I like to believe they have access to the underlying code of The Simulation and that is where they draw their probabilities from.

You just don’t listen. I vote, I hound everybody I know well to vote. What I’m saying is, fucking listen to Marshawn and his community for just a bit. Stop hearing what they say, then going on a tirade about how they are wrong and you are right. This isn’t about that motherfucker. You claim to be an “ally” and a

I fully agree with your points, but you still won’t fucking shut up and listen. Only hearing, but not listening as you are is why riots happen, and is exactly what “allies” such as yourself love to do. Listen to what Marshawn said, listen to people in the communities he is speaking about, and realize how little you

While the guy argued himself into a corner and committed too far down his train of thought, he isn’t that far off. He’s simply saying that the situation was so ripe for a Hitler type in Germany at that time, it is likely someone similar may have rose to power. Also that to blame Hitler purely for everything the Nazi’s

You either have ZERO idea the type of people he is talking about, or feel they are on your side because they have the same skin color as you and tell you what you want to hear. If these people have their way, you are next. But hey, at least you feel like a god now from whatever you a pumping into you. 

I had one of these fuckers at a god damn Alison Wonderland show try and tell me that the world needs to isolate for the good of protecting other’s cultures and that anyone for even the semi-open movement we have of people and ideas now are actually the racist ones. Then he kept arguing that Americans didn’t want to

I doubt your friend is actually really smart. Probably has some really good memory...or some kind of disorder that makes him seem really smart in certain ways, but horribly deficient in others. There is no way someone who is actually smart can listen to this guy and think he is intelligent and not read through his

Bruh, fucking shut the fuck up and listen to Marshawn. People like you are why we are in the place we are in. The instant someone has an opinion differing than yours you instantly dismiss their opinion as stupid, them as idiotic, and don’t actually listen. How about you listen, find understanding for why they feel the

How about we see some actual change in these communities and some legitimate support and people fighting for them everyday, instead of around election time? But go ahead and have zero sympathy for them. This is EXACTLY why they ask these questions and then react the way they do to someone saying they didn’t vote. It

It is more important for the people that attempt to pander for anyone who doesn’t vote to actually do something to change things for the better for them. But hey, when someone doesn’t vote you can dismiss it as all being their fault huh? Then you can justify to yourself why the system is set up the way it is? Ignorant