
I had it once with a visitor and his family at work. They just kind of stayed to themselves and his kids never smiled the whole time, the dad just seemed so off to me.

Excellent book, glad you’re ok!

You did what you needed to survive, you just need to pass the word that he’s not-to-be-dated.

I am glad you survived, next time just trust your gut and get out teh of the damn car. Eeek! Have you thought about checking the FBI or local wanted lists?

Awww, hugs!

Tell, tell!

From another chronic migraineur, I’m so sorry it didn’t work for you, but hope you’ve found something else that has helped. :)

That happens to me too, sometimes before or after a migraine, or if I’ve forgotten to take my Zoloft for a few days together.

When I get really tired, overtired, I get the sleep paralysis sometimes. I’m also a migraineur too, so I don’t know if it’s connected at all.

I’m from the Midwestern US, and a living historian, but I’ve never heard that one. Thanks for sharing it!

I miss living Up North most during the Fall. Apple picking, fresh cider, and hot chocolate with a good book by the fire. Sigh.

Ahhh, thank you!

Not if everyone is consenting. Without consent it is coercion at best...

I’m a feminist that doesn’t think all women, or men, feel one way or another about anything. I’ve agreed to perform sexual acts which I thought were going to be reciprocated, and weren’t. Limits I’d set were ignored and steamrolled. I had to stop him and remind him to use protection; all the while being continually

I’m a fan of water-based Astroglide

I’m 36 and just last month had my first coercive sexual experience, which I’d never wish on anyone and I’m still trying to deal with, but if he’d even tried to be concerned about my orgasm/sex from my perspective I’d have faked it too. Ugh, still gives me a stomachache thinking about it.

I think he owns a house in L.A. too, so he might be spending quite a lot of time here as well and wanting to further his career? Not that I think it’s been dull by any means.

Who in the world is Karlie Kloss, besides everyone’s wished-for-lover of T.S?

Oh, that makes me sad.

Haha! Two buck Chuck anyone?