
Or, like my grandparents (who weren’t Jewish but tried to keep things nice) kept everything under plastic all the time. Carpets, couches, runners on the runners. etc...

My migraine hates the swirly paper, I however can’t appreciate the aesthetic, but I love the tiny washing machine, sink, and controls on the walls!

I really like that paper!

Yes! Give me any era but the 70's. I remember my parents early 80's house being lots of dark browns, golds, oranges, and cast iron. It was horrible, even as a child I hated it.

Good quality, non-allergy silcone, please! :) Send them here.

Thanks Obama!

We will need to go slowly to prevent damage. Like looking at the sun.

My brain just stops,asklfjaosjfewkafjsldkfjadigkahoefjasdl


Yes! Godbless the costume designer. Anytime he shows up in velvet I want to stroke him.

That is the best way to put it that I’ve heard, it’s his tone of voice more than anything I think. Same thing with Cumberbatch.

The whole play, and I adore Shakespeare, is worth that moment; but especially this version. When he kneels to ask her and then she says she’ll have to ask her dad, and he says it’s up to her (nominally et al) ...gah!!!

Seconded forever, amen!

I think its the last thing any of us need help with, unless it’s a Twelve Step program, but seeing confirmation that others’ appreciate him too is nice. And boy, him sunbathing...not good for the skin, but holy shit, look at that muscle definition....sigh...

Aye, Aye, Captain! :)

Interesting! I never knew that, or I don’t remember a ton of it in France when I visited.

I hope this doesn’t make me way off, or a horrible person, but can I guess Pakistan? I only guessed that because staring is a totally ok thing to do there.

What a horrible situation for everyone involved. I think it would be great if a pro-life group took up the costs and adoption of this child for it’s life, that would be wonderful!

You are right, the lungs are last to develop. I was born at 25 weeks, 36 years ago, and weighed 1.8 and I didn’t have lung issues only because my mom had so much adrenalin in her system they think it helped my lungs develop faster.

The aptness of this article is on point. I just bought my first PS-system today because I couldn’t get AC Syndicate to play on my computer and the tweaks it would have needed would have cost the same. That necessitated me getting a flat t.v. (still had a 12-inch box one) as well, so Best Buy really likes me today.