they don’t force you, you can get way more just by doing heists, faster too
they don’t force you, you can get way more just by doing heists, faster too
Microsoft had the best one of E3 this year tho
Bayonetta 3
Iunno, I thought the colors, design, and anatomy was all good to me. It blends pretty nicely imo
I love my switch but unless Nintendo blows me away during their E3 nintendo direct, I’ll be selling it. There just aren’t any must buy games for it yet. Honestly all I want is either a smash bros port, bayonetta 3, a pokemon game, or an online co-op mario game. ANY of those and I’ll keep my switch.
why? It having an optional co-op won’t at all affect you if you choose to play singleplayer. Don’t ruin things for others if that thing won’t affect you in any way
I like the skin but wtf that trumpet is annoying
I mean we don’t know if he does or doesn’t, and bisexuality exists
Whaaaaat spoilers, I just started Chrono Trigger and I didn’t know he died. Imo that should be removed from the title desc
gay people don’t have a specific personality tho
you mean south korea is amazing***********
I’m playing Zelda and Persona Cinco
I own a Switch, but this article title is hilarious
I mean I could just play comp, but I’d rather pick whatever hero I want to play as. Which would then affect my team, that’s why I play QP
idk I thought the movie was super good and fun to watch
Ohhh you mean stop playing for the day when you’re feeling great. I thought you meant like, the second you feel happy then just sell the game and quit playing it forever. My bad lmao