
they don’t force you, you can get way more just by doing heists, faster too

Microsoft had the best one of E3 this year tho

Bayonetta 3


Iunno, I thought the colors, design, and anatomy was all good to me. It blends pretty nicely imo

I love my switch but unless Nintendo blows me away during their E3 nintendo direct, I’ll be selling it. There just aren’t any must buy games for it yet. Honestly all I want is either a smash bros port, bayonetta 3, a pokemon game, or an online co-op mario game. ANY of those and I’ll keep my switch.

why? It having an optional co-op won’t at all affect you if you choose to play singleplayer. Don’t ruin things for others if that thing won’t affect you in any way

I like the skin but wtf that trumpet is annoying


I mean we don’t know if he does or doesn’t, and bisexuality exists

Whaaaaat spoilers, I just started Chrono Trigger and I didn’t know he died. Imo that should be removed from the title desc

gay people don’t have a specific personality tho

you mean south korea is amazing***********

I’m playing Zelda and Persona Cinco

I own a Switch, but this article title is hilarious


I mean I could just play comp, but I’d rather pick whatever hero I want to play as. Which would then affect my team, that’s why I play QP


idk I thought the movie was super good and fun to watch

Ohhh you mean stop playing for the day when you’re feeling great. I thought you meant like, the second you feel happy then just sell the game and quit playing it forever. My bad lmao