Later, she failed her concussion test when she couldn't answer basic questions like, "What's with that outfit?!"
Later, she failed her concussion test when she couldn't answer basic questions like, "What's with that outfit?!"
Easily more entertaining than anything at E3.
I'm not talking about just Platinum Games, you know. I'm referring to the swath of XB1-exclusive titles that have been and are still pouring out of the E3 announcements, and probably will even past it. So far, it's mostly been from development studios who have absolutely no clear reason to be Microsoft-exclusive.
It's a trap! They're trying to fool us into thinking there will be tomb raiding, exploration, and puzzles! We'll start playing, and it'll be more third-person shooter like the previous game! BAH.
Luke, who has zero interest in Kingdom Hearts, is currently on shift. I hopped onto Kotaku this evening, saw the trailer, freaked out, yelled at him (nicely) that he missed the REAL story here, and wrote my own version. WORTH IT.
So pumped for KH3. I'm glad all of the people who missed Birth By Sleep will finally get to play that one too. Its quite easily my favorite in the series, and I would also call it the most important entry.
And of course I'll be replaying this for the Final Mix versions! :)
Because why would you want to get angry about something and throw popcorn at your HDTV at home...popcorn is annoying to clean up. SO...go to a movie theater, throw your popcorn there, and watch the people who work there clean it up FOR YOU! :D
Dogladies are more insane than catladies - scientific fact!
Of course, denying gay people the right to get married in a game about relationships and marriage is itself "social commentary."
This just aired for the first time during tonight's 24. Young Batman. Not bad! Gotham airs this fall on Fox.
However, the oddest part of the game is that they can also dramatically change their personalities. From time to time, Manaka, Rinko, and Nene will ask what type of girl you like. Based on your answer they will change to match your preference.
It's sad that you have to resort to explaining this multiple times, and still people don't grasp the concept.
I won't cast judgement as to whether he should or shouldn't have been fired, but when you're a public figure on Twitter with thousands of followers (142k, in his case), your tweets aren't just "expressing opinion" - they're public statements that often do represent your employer, especially when you've got a…
And Turtle Rock has the right as an American company to fire you for supporting such foolishness.
Oh my god, I died. Why would he do that?!? Like the glitch.... where would that come from?
"The stitches won't hold up if you continue to act...
Kotaku needs more wrestling articles Stephen!
"I predict Undertaker gets Brock Lesnar with the hidden blade this Sunday at Wrestlemania XXX. Gotta happen."
I love living in Japan, I swear. But whenever Brian posts something, it always seems to trigger a wtf response from me. (I know that's not your intention Brian! :-P)