Very funny. Like hell, dogs are better.
Very funny. Like hell, dogs are better.
I love me some Ganondorf.
If you don't like this game, then why did you view this article? You even bothered to comment for some reason. Keep your negativity to yourself.
It's not insane at all. Alot of people dislike Yuffie. Including myself.
I don't even like Mario and I'd vote Mario cat over any dog, anyday.
That has got to be the worst picture I've ever seen.
Wow. That was hilarious.
My point exactly, mindless fool.
Learn how to respect other peoples beliefs. Idiot.
I love Sansa's. So cute.
Except they're both cooler than Vader.
Darth Maul? Ripoff or Vader?
Actually I guess I will reply.
Please point out the excuses I'm making. I have a Siberian Husky also, so I'm not a "typical cat owner".
The smaller cat attacked you because it was already afraid, and you just scared it more by getting close to it. It didn't really know you.
You're not making much sense. "cats are just as likely to attack you as they are anyone else." What does that even mean? Every cat I've ever come across, just shies away. That is probably a reason why there are no Feline police units. Also, cats are way too small.
What about Kingdom Hearts? It has one of the few title screens that I will never forget. It had beautiful music to go with it also.
The only Bullshit I see is your comment. If you're so convinced that God doesn't exists, then why talk about it? Why do you feel the need to prove something false if you don't believe in it in the first place? I will never understand the stupidity of Atheists.
You are not alone. -_-'