
So you join in and start pooping too? Even tho that's what the poop bandit wants you to do?

If Maher had thrown a hissy fit like the dumbass who told Milo to fuck off this article wouldn't exist. Just because someone doesn't do what you want it doesn't make them irrelevant. Maher was the smartest one; you don't feed the troll.

Eastern Europe didn't need the "rise of the alt right" to become racist.

What has medical science ever done for me? *cures Deniro's prostate cancer*

You didn't critique the post.

You must live a sheltered life if I appear angry.

That black and white world view is very healthy.

Settle down Apple.


The only thing I really took away from this comment is that I'm not sure if you possess basic reading comprehension.

It's hilarious to watch hipsters just completely fail to to come to terms with the fact that South Park doesn't 100% agree with them. God forbid they don't feast on the tit of liberal ideology at all times.

I got your back bro. Sure it's twenty years later, but I got your back.

If you want me to read your long winded rant at least punctuate that shit. smh

This movie is ok I guess. Woefully overrated by every nerd who stepped into a shitty music venue once in their life.

This helps me relate to right wingers. Now I know what it's like to have some irrelevant celebrity annoy you with their puddle deep political gibber jabber.

Well it is alive. At the end of the day if it doesn't bother you that is fine. In my opinion it is something more then just another procedure, and should be treated as so. Obviously you disagree, that's fine and I am glad you had the choice.

It's not a nose job. Your ending a life. It's your right, but it is what it is.

It's like smoking. You don't need to be shunned from society or constantly told your garbage or a bad person. But it should carry a little bit of guilt so it's something that remains slightly taboo. Or you end up with Lena's.

Some things deserve at least some amount of blowback. Abortion should retain some level of negative stigma to it.

Was worse then BvS, that's for sure.