
Fiorina would purchase Canada and merge with it right as it enters a recession, downsize the number of F-22s, then leave a resignation letter in Air Force one and jump out in a golden-colored parachute with $100 million dollars of U.S. Treasury money.

Nope ISIS is its own thing, al Qaeda actually declared jihad against it. I will go a step further though and say when we kicked out Irans legally elected government for a puppet Shah though is a better start.

See, Cooper knows that if he doesn’t say this sort of thing, then it means he’s a pussy and Richie Incognito will start joking about raping his sister. He gets the NFL culture!

We could add to the 9/11 name scroll all of the innocent civilians killed in our little war against Iraq. A country who had nothing to do with 9/11.

What you’re saying is neither moral nor immoral, but people are raising their eyebrows because you’ve come in to run No True Scotman in defence of gun owners. It’s a bit strange.

They say that Deez Nuts is an Independent, but in my experience he has always leaned more to the left.

...well at least you gave us titties. Thats something...

Thing is, in Canada it isn't company-paid maternity leave. It's through employment insurance. We all pay into that. It is a very good thing. Why doesn't America have it? WHY?

You and I have very different opinions of what click-bait means.

You guys are so used to being paranoid about the media that you can’t even see good analysis right in front of you. The problem might not be the article. It might be you.

How is this click-bait? He made a headline that correctly expresses the article. He pointed out the truth, and would have done the same if there had been democratic debates. It is funny that you are probably a grown man that is whining like a 12 year old because this article hurt your feelings, your tears are

Buzz Killington isn’t just republican, he’s full-on redneck bible belt republican. Denial of reality is just the way he lives his life, because reality has a well-known liberal bias and it’s out to get him.

You are the problem with our conservative party: denial and paranoia. Everyone is not out to get us, sometimes they are just speaking the truth. Disagree with what he said and back it up, or just continue to run away claiming he’s just a leftist. The sooner we stop just screaming about how it’s all the other sides

“but at least the GOP is the only party that isn’t actively trying to dismantle it.”

I think he did a fair job of calling out the candidates where they were wrong and pointing out what accurate information they did provide. Either way, the joke’s on the GOP for running a clown car full of trologdytes.

The GOP is all about having a bigger, more powerful military, but they treat it like a machine. In reality, it’s more like an animal and you have to feed it people. Once those people go in and serve their purpose, the GOP just wants to bury them out back.

Wait, there was a debate somewhere? I ended up watching a Fox broadcasting Q&A with some guys who think they should be president of the USA.

Whoa... I painted faces at Sea World back in 1999. I would prefer a fast, fiery death... Like, homemade jetpack death. Would you be ok with that?

I honestly don’t know. They’re probably too busy hiding in the bushes waiting to ticket someone going 1-2 mph over some artificially low speed limit because, ya know, revenue.