
While you have his attention, make sure to tell him the joke is not funny and extremely racist. Because journalists know what is funny, not professional comedians and comedy writers.

In general, creative jobs are pretty safe from outsourcing because they require skills that often do not translate well over borders.

Agreed. Here is a deal: you rat out the other people in the 7 cars and I’ll give you a lighter sentence.

Is this article supposed to be funny?

The “trauma” from the left is an exaggeration from the right. People are upset because trump is a short sighted bigot with the mentality of a hick from the sticks, not because they love Hillary.

One of the most overrated musicians on the scene right now.

As a private business they have the option to choose who they serve (with few exceptions). If a restaurant is serving a customer who is loudly complaining about the food and ruining future business, they have the right to throw them out. It may not be nice, but here in the US it is within their rights to do so.

Yea that statement she said is exceptionally ignorant. Where is asian history month? Where is American Indian history month? I don’t see why certain black people thing they are so damn special.

Myself: Public school K-12 and 4 year bachelor’s degree at a public university.

Crash was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. I equate it to those horrible ensemble movies with a dozen characters played by famous actors and too many separate plot lines that “magically” come together by some contrived bullshit. Valentine’s Day, Mothers Day, New Years Eve or whatever, and Crash share the same