Munib Tahir

How much are you getting paid to troll the internet?

A smart phone app at best?

"Find my friends is a game changer..." seriously? How is it any different than Google Latitude?

Nice nightstand Casey.

Yea it's rare.

That's what the "original" option is for.

Yup I noticed the Metro influence as well, esp the grayscale iconography on Google search.

Definitely Metro inspired. Love it.

Reading such a lame and dorky argument seriously ruins the Giz experience.

@ThaMofo: I believe this is more like Google Goggles than Tineye.

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: Doesn't sound like they are similar. This sounds more like Google Goggles.

Those are called pecs.

So it's basically an interface slapped on top of windows? I believe they have attempted something similar, except this one's prettier. The thumb layout for the on-screen keyboard is also from the UMPC days, though not as powerful.

How can you give him growl when it's not baked into the OS and can be installed on windows just as easily? In fact the windows version is more powerful with support for network notifications.

If it's something like Kinect, then it should be able to sense depth.

Is it Shao Khan or Kahn?

Canadian currency has brailles.

How much were you paid to write this Casey? We all know girls don't watch sports or play video games.

@Nerf Herder: That's what consoles are for, I feel sad for people who sit in their living rooms and play all by themselves. Of course, with some games, like Red dead redemption, you don't have an option.

No, that's human rights you are thinking of.