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I’m waiting for her to write a song about all of her FedExes

Soon you’ll be able to buy a cyber virtual Taylor Swift front yard. Retweet is you want to keep the kids off.

She isn’t selling out. She’s buying in . . . wait that isn’t it. What do you call it when you are the machine? She’s monolithizing.

Remember the old days when you had to spend the night in a physical line in front of the local record store that served as your area Ticketmaster outlet to get tickets for a concert?

Bad Blood without Lamar’s verses is absolutely unlistenable.

Oh for sure. We brew kombucha, and we do it because it’s delicious, not because of any supposed fantastic probiotics. Which reminds me, I really need to put on a new batch before the SCOBY in my fridge dies....

This is how I feel about essential oils, kombucha, and all those other fads. Crystals are pretty, oils smell good, and kombucha is tasty. Thats all more than enough reason to enjoy, please stop telling people that they have “healing powers”. If the airplane story ended with “this is my lucky charm, it makes me feel

Nicki may have taken part of Katy’s pettiness in that Godawful Swish Swish but Kendrick took part in Taylor’s mediocre song Bad Blood.

For real though, crystals are cool, they’re pretty, but they’re not fucking healing anyone. The placebo effect is a powerful thing, but damn, don’t push that on people who might actually waste hundreds of dollars on pretty pieces of rock.

It’s a survival skill. I’m not sure we’re at a place yet where it’d be safe to unlearn it.

I hate that this is what misogyny, and especially misogynoir, has done to me. I don’t know if I can ever unlearn it.

“Maybe I have overlearned the lesson of staying calm, biting my tongue, digging my fingernails into a clenched fist, smiling all the while, determined to present a composed face to the world.”


Every woman who’s ever been sexually assaulted - or FEARED an imminent sexual assault - knows this feeling. And we all know the second guessing of ourselves that follows. I have a TON of criticism on HRC as a candidate but THIS is not among them. You do what you can, when you can and you gotta trust & believe you did

Yeah, reading that, I’m doubtful that calling him out would have helped her at all, as satisfying and deserved as it might have been.

Now playing

We’ve all been there. You either put up with slimy creep making you feel uncomfortable and hate yourself for tolerating his bullshit later. Or, you make a scene and have everyone tell you to lighten up because having the rampant sexism in our society pointed out makes people uncomfortable. It isn’t polite to demand to

Hindsight is always 20/20, but I think Clinton may be right that Option B would have been the better one.

I heard someone call a group of his supporters “the 5th avenue crowd”. As in they are the ones that would have stood by him if he shot someone on 5th avenue.

I can’t stop looking. And wondering how painful that string has to be.