As a deaf person (and engineer) who grew up with strong public schools that provided sign-language interpreters for me, I really, really want to see Betsy DeVos gone next.
In the words of Tucker93 above:
Update: it’s unanimous now, they all resigned.
Holy shit, it is. I thought you were joking, but it’s totally an acrostic. I guess that’s what happens when you get a bunch of arts majors to write a resignation letter.
In the words of Baby Don Jr. the Colluder, “I love it!”
The letter is an acrostic which spells out “RESIST”
Thank You...
I see Bannon as fomenting more “chaos” so that the future clashes and issues and call to do something lay at Trump’s feet. It really seems like the best policy... for Bannon. Get those Nazis and Klan all riled up, encourage them to hit the streets, etc. Force Trump (and the GOP) to either do something or face the…
That’s it, I am buying stock right now in popcorn. All the popcorn companies.
Not attacking you, but I’ve heard this excuse too many times from liberal white people. A comedian does or says something racist/stupid/ill advised and defenders come out of the woordwork talking about “he/she wasn’t advocating for people like that he/she was making fun of them” when in reality, they weren’t. That’s…
Que 10,000 comments about being too harsh on “well-meaning allies” *wank off motion* and how we’re alienating those who want to help us *wank off motion*
Yelling slogans at people is a bad way to change their minds. But showing up at neo-Nazi rallies is not about changing the minds of neo-Nazis, it’s about showing them that this is not their country, and that people are willing to stand up to them. I don’t think anyone who’s encountered a member of the far right (on…
At this very moment on this question Arnold is standing on the correct side.
It doesn’t matter- Trump’s followers are too stupid to understand that the Pershing story is bullshit and those that do just don’t care.
She may be turning a corner (re: comment on her privilege). This whole trial is really helping me forgive her for past mistakes.
Though it night be a bit much to live with him.
Can we remind ourselves of the fact that every single thing that the Clinton campaign, real journalists, honest pundits, and everyday people warned that would happen with trump as president has in fact happened and continues to happen.