This was literally the first time I thought, good work, Kim. You’re using your fame the right way. You get a temporary pass for all the other stuff.
This was literally the first time I thought, good work, Kim. You’re using your fame the right way. You get a temporary pass for all the other stuff.
If Kim Kardashian West can mobilise her fans to come out in support of the ACA then we should stop bitching about her for a month.
In an email to me this morning, my mom wrote “You know, I felt bad for McCain last week, but to leave his sick bed in order to take away other people’s health insurance? FUCK HIM.”
Yep, that system that will save Americans 17 trillion fucking dollars over 10 years. AND provide healthcare to absolutely every citizen.
This is the GOP saying, “we can’t repeal it, we can’t replace it, and it won’t completely fail on its we’re going to MAKE it fail.”
Trump is emotionally stuck at age 12 so of course kids are going to relate to him. He speaks their language. My friend teaches 7th graders and she talked about how many of her students this past year just openly worship the guy. As a teacher she has to remain politically impartial. The only thing she was able to do…
This is all I have to add:
I don’t know if I think it’s the shitiest, but it’s among the most alarming. The reason for the institutional respect for the presidency that has built up over the years is the shared assumption that the president is a decent person, or at least has enough wherewithal and self-control to PLAY as a decent person, and…
Father: Okay, son. Mom’s properly anesthetized, right?
Of all the shitty, SHITTY things he has done, I actually think this could take the cake — at least right now. The fact that he said this shit in front of children, unchecked by anyone in authority at BSA, is just silent approval for the terrible things he said in his speech. If the BSA really didn’t endorse this shit,…
Dad-bod is hot when you’re a dad or aspiring dad or just an average man. Dad-bod when you’re calling yourself the pussy posse (I refuse to capitalize it and accept it’s more than a string of random words) and doing the shit he does is gross and entitlement to the maximum. Leo needs to sit down and stop pretending…
Yeah this pisses me off, I mean I regret getting an art degree and with a concentration in photography when it means absolutely nothing. I will never be able to afford any decent equipment and all you need is to have a shit ton of Instagram followers and then you get free shit. Sorry rage mode here.
And here we have one of the last of their kind: someone who thinks Leo is still hot in the year of our Lord 2017. Some of them, of course, have been in a coma and have not been witness to the ravages that years of pussy posse-ing have wreaked upon the erstwhile heartthrob.
I went over to IG because they can’t *all* be that bad. But, yes, yes they can. And in fact are.
Does this dinner also come with a time machine trip to when Leo was still hot, tho.
But perhaps McCain’s illness will encourage some rigorous self-reflection, and at last, a change of heart. Perhaps he’ll realize that in his last years, he could take a meaningful stand against his increasingly brutal party—and help to save lives in the process.
Jesus, those are some fucking meth brows.
From today- “They run out they say death, death, death — well Obamacare is death. That’s the one that’s death,” Trump said from the Roosevelt Room.
Right? Like don’t you want to sit around in TX at some fancy, schmancy country club drinking scotch and smoking cigars with other CEO’s, Rex? Why do any actual work? For what? These are your golden years! You don’t want to deal with North Korea. Or China, UK, France, Germany, Canada, Mexico........yeah you want to…
I never understood why he took the job. Can’t these rich fuckers just go somewhere and enjoy being rich? God wealth is wasted on the rich.