I fucking love Lorde and how little shit she takes. Her talking about Taylor as a solid friend is high praise. And I don’t think Taylor is flawless in any sense, but I do think it’s nice that someone breaks down the Mean Girl narrative we’re always hearing.
“Trump and Putting discussed cybersecurity and agreed to set up a joint group to address it.” I need a joint alright, I need a joint every day all day to make it through all this bullshit.
I wish her all the joy of life. I’m in my third year. What I’ve learned is that you can’t predict who will accept you and who will not. Friends I had for 20-30 years couldn’t accept it and they’re gone. Others who I barely knew, and almost all my neighbors, have been nothing short of wonderful.
On what possible metric are Asian people oppressed? Asian people have higher average incomes, higher levels of education, lower rates of incarceration, better access to healthcare, and fewer instances of police violence then WHITE PEOPLE. Asian people literally outperform WHITE PEOPLE on ALL the metrics.
It’s absolutely from them, at the start of the chain. They control all digging permits for archaeological sites, and digging up artifacts is one of the few ways people can make money. They sell them on to a smuggler, giving ISIS their cut, and the smuggler gets them to Europe where they get sold on to dealers who…
I know this doesn’t exactly apply to this story, but it’s been gnawing at me all weekend. I went to a friends house for an early fourth party and got roped into a political conversation with a conservative couple (friend of a friend type). It, of course, turned ugly very quickly. I wanted their honest thoughts on how…
She is the kind of person that I am most jealous of, namely the kind that apparently gets to life a totally charmed, low-key cool person life without actually having to actually do anything to earn it. So many celebs seem to have it so easy but when I look closer I realize that they do, in fact, do things that I…
Damn. I cried a bit reading this. Reminded me of the shit I went through(still going through) with the person I still believe is the love of my life. Met him 20 yrs ago at work when I was 16, he was 26, began dating at 17/27.
re: “getting in young” - I was 16, he was 28, so it’s the same age gap, but two years to the left. He was a musician. Wrote songs about me and shit. I was lucky enough to get out after a couple of years. But when I try to talk about it, most people are like, “Well, age of consent, what’s the big deal, blah blah blah”…
Even queens of female empowerment can have shitty personal lives. I’d even wager that *most* of them do. Being a role model isn’t about being perfect. I’d don’t think anyone should glamorize Bey’s marriage, but I don’t think that should stop anyone from admiring her for the command she has in her career.
What pisses me off most about President Dipshit inserting himself in this story is that per his proposed healthcare reform, the children suffering like that here at home would be left to die while their parents are saddled with a copious amount of medical debt.
Between this and reading that Trump wants to help baby Charlie but not all the kids that will lose health insurance if the republicans get their way makes me want to rip my hair out.
I really thought this was an Onion quote when I first heard it. Then I realized it was real life and crawled back into bed.
“He did not get any sun,” Murray added. “He had a baseball hat on.”
It’s supposed to be scandalous that Amber Rose is a whole 7 years older than whatshisname?
I think it has less to do with his arrest record than it has to do with him being an attractive, newly richer and famous person. Men in the entertainment business are rarely faithful, especially when they are married to a Normal from back before they were famous. I mean, the cheating actors and athletes are not all…