
Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

People like her need to suffer financially for her support for Donald Trump. Boycott her products.

hi. i live in indiana. i’m terrified and scrambling to get long-acting reversible contraception.

I’m so proud of those people who felt maintaining their political purity was more important than a Trump-controlled Supreme Court.

Unrelated to the movie, but I feel the need to say I’m getting sick of the trend of naming books after the female protagonist’s relationship to the men in her life. The Shoemaker’s Wife. The Calligrapher’s Daughter. The Zookeeper’s wife. The Baker’s Daughter. Etc etc.

Really fucking tired of people pretending like the same racist, sexist, homophobic shit that’s gone on forever is somehow ‘anti-establishment’ or ‘edgy.’ That is just the status quo.

Say what you want about her but she is graceful yet tough as shit and a fighter. If only she had won... Instead we got a guy who can’t find his asshole with two hands and a flashlight.

Can we just have a round of appreciation here for the Jezebel writers, who have been ON THIS SHIT like nobody’s business? I am filled with love right now.

This came across my twitter feed today and I am barely able to contain my rage vomit.

Officer Jeronimo Yanez

I honestly thought that this one was going to be the watershed moment for the entire police shooting insanity. This guy was not a criminal, had a record of being repeatedly hassled by the cops and not charged and, on top of that, was legally carrying a weapon with the paperwork. This guys was a perfect example for

“I also reject the feminist messaging that treats gender issues as a zero-sum game—that assumes that to empower women, we must castrate men. You see the beginnings of this even in the schoolyard, with affirmations like, “Girls rule and boys drool.” 

I remember reading at some point that the reason the AMA lobbied for legal abortion was because doctors were literally traumatized by the parade of otherwise healthy young women bleeding to death in ERs from botched abortions. All these assholes smugly intoning “abortion kills” have no idea how many people die when

Let’s stop using “alt-right” and call them what they are...

This is the new white supremacist strategy: ATTACK THE REPORTER as a distraction when they call you out on your bullshit. When are journalists going to learn how to pierce this? Additionally, why are they giving these monsters a platform to gaslight America?

Okay, then, a follow-up:

Here is your White Trump voter, America.

“Now that he is President of the United States and not directly aggressively attacking me, Donald Trump really isn’t that bad!”