
Most sexual assailants are repeat offenders. That’s why being lenient with convicted rapists, and allowing rape kit backlogs to mount, makes me BOIL with rage.

His friends gave him this nickname. His fucking friends. Like it was a big fucking joke. “LOL, you know our good buddy David and his penchant for raping unconscious girls.”

“He can now look forward to a productive life without being burdened with the stigma of having to register as a sex offender.

Kylie’s face is so pumped with fillers and it’s going to ruin her face. She is barely 19 and she will permanently ruin her looks if she doesn’t stop. I read somewhere that over time, it does something to the muscles and skin and the face just falls.

I’m your “girlfriend/sidechick/whatever” for nine years, as you flit back and forth between me and the mother of your six children, all while you fuck around with randoms on the side of my damn side! Bitch, I should fucking hope that I could release an album of myself mewing like a cat for 40mins, with full support

Yeah, dick pics should never happen unless upon request. I don’t know one single person who has been happy about getting a surprise dick pic

And us in the Republic of Ireland, who also can’t get abortions here. A dozen Irish women every DAY travel to Britain to access abortion services there, including at Marie Stopes. #RepealThe8th

Palm oil and cattle are main drivers behind deforestation in the Amazon region, too, if we’re racking up things to avoid or want to really revel in our guilt. I used to eat the hell out of some Newman’s own choc chip cookies until I learned about the palm oil situation.

One time I was making Al pastor tacos and cut into an avocado and there was a tiny thumbelina type creature with a whole little home in there! There was a little bed with a little quilt. And a tiny bookshelf with hundreds of titles. Even a little sewing machine! Thumbelina waved and began telling me about her magical

Yup. Its farming is also encroaching on sensitive lands, it is also very water intensive, contributes a stunning amount of greenhouse gases, and most importantly, cows eat food that is grown unsustainably, doubling land use, when both areas of farmland could be used for human food crops.

First it was veal, then it was tuna, then the baby lambs, then soy, followed by almonds. Now its avocados. Next up quinoa and micro-greens. How will I ever become a snobby foodie when I am wracked with middle class white guilt

I am SO DONE with Amy Schumer. I’ve given this lady enough chances. She no longer deserves the benefit of the doubt. She’s constantly equivocating over issues like this. Take a fucking stand, Amy, or else step off the damn podium.

Also, she swifted Taylor Swift’s one mil donation! Ha! I fucking love you Amber! Good on you, luv!

As always, it took a journalist going undercover for the government to get embarrassed enough to actually address what had been going on all the time.

So what are your suggestions for what we do with genuinely violent criminals- murderers, rapists, etc.?

As the level of repression in women’s prisons increases, and, paradoxically, as the influence of domestic prison regimes recedes, sexual abuse-which, like domestic violence, is yet another dimension of the privatized punishment of women-has become an institutionalized component of punishment behind prison walls.

Neither party has made false accusations for financial gains. There was never an intent of physical or emotional harm.

Do you think all of this has done any actual damage to his career? It bothers me that Ghostbusters is now considered a misfire and this dickhead has had countless flops and keeps getting license to do more (see also: Zack Snyder).