This is the best articulation of what I’ve been trying to say about Hillary for a while now.
This is the best articulation of what I’ve been trying to say about Hillary for a while now.
She can’t give a guy a chino teepee / Cuz she stuffs her bra with t.p. / That one-ply stuff cuz she’s a cheapie...
I can’t wait to hear Katy’s new songs because normally her hits (which any song about Taylor would surely be) have extremely simplistic cliche lyrics and I really want to see how many things she rhymes with creepy. So weepy, she smells like peepee, she goes by T-Swifty?
Is he keeping her safe because there’s an earthquake happening and that’s why they’re standing in a door frame?
“walking at a brisk pace, in a determined manner.”
Officers singled out Al-Matar allegedly because of her “suspicious behavior”, which included “walking at a brisk pace, in a determined manner.”
The way men are praised to the skies for doing absolutely anything with their children’s, too. OMG you drove your 5-year-old to kindergarten once? DAD OF THE YEAR! Your wife is such a lucky woman! While the woman who does it every other time gets no credit whatsoever, and is much more likely to be criticized for doing…
Re the Michael Buble article, I find it so infuriating when men describe watching their own children as “babysitting”. You’re not doing anyone a favor by looking after your own children and you never hear women describing what they do everyday as babysitting. For me, it’s one of the most pervasive examples of the…
I’ve been a stupid bitch my whole life.
It only took me saying it to him 13,452 times for him to think of it.
Ok. I’ll be that person.
Between destroying America, taking away people's guns and being a kenyan citizen, when did Obama find the time to be the founder of ISIS? Does he have a time turner like Hermione?
Okay but it also has a clause preventing you from bringing up their supposed sanctimony when none of them has even said anything to you.
Prince Harry marrying Kerry Washington despite Barack Obama being concerned about their dangerous boat wedding.
1D BOMBSHELL: Why Harry Decided to Drop Out of the Spotlight to Spend the Rest of His Life Going Down on Katherine
Justin Theroux falls for mid 30s Midwestern Marketing Manager “I didn’t see it coming either!”
Harry Styles: Secret Love Affair with Pudgy, 30-year-old, Invisalign-Wearing Nonprofit Employee? See the exclusive steamy pics!
Countryside Management sounds stupid, but it’s actually pretty cool - it’s to do with ecological, wildlife preservation, environmental protection, etc. Here’s a course overview from Newcastle Uni -…