
Yeah, a Camry is cheaper to operate, but again, that is not the discussion here. A Camry is an appliance, far from a fun car. This is a car that can be fun and not break the pocket of a Uber driver.

A Camry is not a fun car. This MB does 26 MPG combined city and highway according to the government data. Not bad compared to most cars shown here.

I was expecting a Saab powered with a BMW M engine.

Diesel is cheaper to maintain.

Bumper to bumper?

You will never see a Uber guy driving this. All their income would go just on gas.

I am going to do this the right way. I choose a Mercedes Benz E Class Diesel. The reason is something that should be accounted and is not in the list, MPG. You see, a Uber driver will need a car that is fun and fuel efficient enough to make a profit. I mean, that is the reason why so many taxi drivers in Europe choose

“Why don’t these miserable fuckers just move somewhere where they’d be happier, like maybe deep inside the rectum of the giant...”

Because then the giant would have hemorrhoids and that would not be fair for the poor beast.

Randall forgot to put his age on the drawing.

Ok, the is freaking scary.

Yeah, Caracas is filled with late 70s junk and a bunch of 80s cars.

“... offering the drive to so many others and I think at one point the pope had an offer! “

Maldonado is asking where is his offer. He even dry cleaned his old uniform, just in case.

LOL, Don’t ask me why, but when I was 10 years old I used to love those Altimas. Specially in so 90's burgundy or forest green (still think those are cool colors, I don’t know what happened to them)

Bedazzling, like wearing animal prints, is for when you want to let the world know how bad your taste is.

Are they still making those things? I thought they stopped in 2008.

In the bay of a W114, baby !!!
Imagine over 300hp with such light car !!!

That’s because they sell the electric version.

I live in Miami and my office parking lot more common cars are Minis, Porsches and 3 series. The 5 door has its fans (usually guys who wanted a normal Mini but have kids). I choose to pay a few more bucks and got the Clubman.

The VW group has always a tendency to make those cars:

Wow, that purse holder on the SEAT. They really didn’t have to put the Cosmopolitan badge and the purple paint to make it a car just for girls.