
Usually I don’t care about this kind of stuff, but why does this need goddamn in the headline AND again in the first paragraph? it just lessens the impact and takes away any journalistic credibility there might have been in an article pulling facts from another story.

The headline is really misleading because a lieutenant and a lieutenant general are about as far apart as you can get.

“Don’t take advantage of her mental health for the sake of entertainment! That’s my dad’s job”

When I took undergrad inorganic Chemistry at the University of Washington, the professor told of being an undergrad in Chemistry at U. Alaska shortly after the war (WWII?). The army had for obscure reasons been stockpiling sodium metal nearby and wanted rid of it, so they gave it to the university Chemistry

Most Japanese don’t even know what whitewashing *is.* It’s a virulently American offended-on-behalf-of-other-people phenomenon.

Even tho I love FFT (it’s one of my favorite games), FFXII wasn’t for me (and I tried). The last passable one had to be FFX (shitty story, passable gameplay, good graphics).

“OK people, step one is get that statue of Jay Z out of here. He said a lot of nasty things about me.”

I bought RE6 day 1 and it was trash. I do like like what I see from RE7 so thats one lost sale.

That’s my secret. I am always thinking about Snacktaku.

Only on Deadspin will you see writers making fun of Tim Tebow for hitting a game-winning single in a professional league while, at the same time, writing 10,000-word columns lauding a Pakistani team as heroes for getting the shit kicked out of them by such baseball powerhouses as Brazil and Great Britain in the World

And to think I left this game early....

I’m a bit late but THIS. I’m a member of the Colville Confederated Tribes, and we’re just a bunch of disparate groups mashed onto a rez in eastern Washington. My people are “Lakes Band” and our ancestral home is in Canada and most of us have never been there and the Canadian government is not cool about the whole deal

“Of course she can’t offer immunity to football players, that’s what nanobubbles are for!”
-Russell Wilson

So this guy was attempting to pass your car, so you sped up to prevent him from passing you, forcing him to make the dramatic maneuver so he can make his turn. Then you get out of your car to confront him while he is in a car with his family?

Hello my Indian friend!

I am a native, and it’s my preferred term. My ancestors were not “Native Americans.” They weren’t Americans at all. They were Cherokee. My grandfather, and his, and his, identified as Indians in English. Who are you to tell me, or them, what my “preferred term” is, or what we “are not and never have been?” A white kid

There are actually quite a large number of American Indians who prefer the term American Indian, misnomer though it may be. As early as twenty years ago, a strong plurality preferred American Indian, and a few prominent Indian activists (foremost among them Russell Means) came out against the term Native American as

I don’t disagree with your sentiment, but an an Indian, I can tell you that for a lot of people Indian IS a preferred term. It’s definitely a reclamation thing, but it’s widely used, often seen as “NDN.” Maybe watch out when trying to speak on behalf of a group of which you’re not a member.

There is a big fucking difference between calling a Native American an “Indian” or “American Indian” versus using a tragedy in their history as a slogan for a high school football game.

Crappy jokes aside, I’d like to take this moment to subtly state the obvious. An HONEST TO GOD NASA FLIGHT DIRECTOR reads and comments on this site!