
Martin has written, screenwritten, or edited well over 100 books, short stories, collections, anthologies, movies, and TV episodes since his career began. Just because no one obsessed over his other work they act like he owes them now they like somethin’ he did. Dude’s a fat old guy who spent his best years laboring

Sure, but the difference between a ‘good’ Zarya and her is so ridiculous. I’ve been ranked as high as the low 3,000's as Zarya and I can’t even follow what she does, this is not a viable strategy for normies. I think there are times when the best thing to do is switch in every game.

According to MasterOverwatch, at this exact moment I am the 9,333rd Zarya but I was 3,xxx at one point. I can’t even FATHOM the gap in skill between us. I might as well be playing with a PowerGlove.

I read that completely differently. I thought it said that $4m was only 60% of the budget.


Hi, I haven’t done any research on this since grad school but I think you’re wrong about China being more of an economic powerhouse than we are. Unless by ‘we’ you don’t mean the US.

I call it the Rashomon

I don’t care if you drive a car over, just watch the hermano.

That’s what happened here. Investors value the company’s stock based on what they think it will earn, because if you own stock in a company you get dividends. The more a company earns, the higher the dividends.

I feel like I shouldn’t respond to you because I get the impression your mind is already made up.

Valued by whom. In this case the “loss” of value is simply based on speculation by people on the wrong end of information assymetry.

My dad was a crackhead off and on during my youth and just after I left high school my real mom called to say that my dad was in the hospital after a heart attack and it wasn’t good. I didn’t know he’d relapsed and to compound things, my step mom said that whoever my dad was partying with had his SVT Lightning and the

I’m an Iraq vet and this guy needs to shut the fuck up. Young people die because dudes like this twerk up and down the party line. Gimme an Ali every time over a privileged hawk that wants to play tough guy for his constituents.

Goddammit that’s good

While we are on this topic, fewer immaculate innings than no-hitters as well.

It’s not the same as stealing money, no. But you’re stealing from other customers the experience they paid for. One of the reasons I bought Overwatch was because of the stringent anti-cheating policy.

When I go sup I go Lucio cuz he shreks people. But there is a definite lack of incentivization for teamwork with support. My advice is: be a good sport, make friends, and only play with friends.

Hey good for you for getting that done, hang in there. That being said, I completely disagree with some about business majors and engineers and their earnings. The fewest of people in those professions will make that. My MBA isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.

I was once an instructor for a CLS class in the Army and I always used to think up stupid ideas about stopping bleeding. This is the biggest thing since quickclot except without the blindness.

“The Geforce GTX 1080 tops the performance of the $600 Titan X card for $700....”