I’m gonna subscribe.
I’m gonna subscribe.
“It’s unclear at this point if there’s going to be an anthology structure to the movie, or if it’s just going to fold various myths and fables into a single overarching narrative. The latter seems more likely”
I also have issues with how Ash is portrayed in the series, versus the movies. I’m not sure you could even characterize him as a dimwit, considering he was able to build a working, mechanical hand and modify his car into some kind of death machine with tools from the middle ages. Absolutely arrogant, though.
I spent a considerable amount of time with the Mad Max game that came out a few years ago, as it’s free on PS+ this month. My coworker let me borrow it, but it was like a day or two before a Destiny expansion so I gave MM just a quick look and thought it was okay. I spent probably only an hour or two with it.
Oooh, I remember the first time driving up Baxter. We were on vacation and the app took us on that street, of course. Getting up and down wasn’t a problem. It was getting to the top and just seeing sky and then water (there’s a reservoir or something a little ways ahead) and NOTHING else. For a second, when you’re not…
Gave up the top sheet years ago. Seems pointless.
I’ve been looking forward to playing this with my girlfriend ever since I heard about it. Still am, but the reviews I’ve read are telling me it’s more of a weekend Redboxer for us.
I’ll probably look into this later, or this weekend, but is all of this stuff available for home use right now? I haven’t used my Vive in a long time, to the point where I’m wondering if I should just sell it and get some extra cash to put towards debt. I unhooked it when I got a second monitor this past November…
Fun fact about Cane’s: each restaurant has a “name” given to them, which you can find out by looking them up on their restaurant locator on their site. My local Cane’s is “Love Me Tender.”
Probably a combination of a few things. Them booking stadiums is a big part of it, but also the fact that SP never really “went away” for an extended period of time. I saw them like 6 or 7 years ago and I’m sure a lot of fans did as well. Now they do it again a few years later, but recruit one more original member…
Cane’s DOES, in fact, have a second dipping sauce. They don’t advertise their honey mustard, but it’s there if you want it. You’ll have to pay a little extra for it. It’s runnier than the Cane’s sauce and not as flavorful, but I like to get both sauces for a little variety.
Whoa, awesome. Email incoming!
I believe Dory takes the cassette tape that April recorded of them talking about killing Keith. That was the entire reason they met on the ferry after all, to exchange the money for that tape.
What would your Fatality be if you were a character in a Mortal Kombat game?
What was the first album you bought?
Will be playing a couple 3DS games on our flights this weekend. Super Mario 3D Land and one of those 2D Mario & Luigi RPGs.
So you’re not going to share this North Face pizza spice with us? I’ve never heard of or really tried seasoning a pizza, aside from perhaps the sauce.
My plan for season 8 was to only watch the premiers and finales, because I got so sick of the wheel-spinning. But I didn’t even do that and haven’t seen ANY of 8 at all. Think I’m finally just done with the show.
Cigarettes After Sex
Not a fan of them doing it Goosebumps movie style. Why not just an anthology movie? Pick like 5 good ones from the books and put them on the screen. Scary Stories to Watch in the Dark.