
Maybe younger skin can take doing harsh foundations and lots of scrubbing and eye patches every morning?..... but for those of us whose fleshly integrity now resembles a well-cooked chicken, no thanks. ^^ (I still use Proactiv because the dermatologist screams OH GOD NO to pretty much everything else that’s not

OMG that is a loooot of layers of product and goop and advertising to have to slather on and peel off twice a day. I’m sweating just thinking of all that effort!

Yeah, how the fuck is that happening?

I just posted above how I’m always hearing being happy is not good enough since I have to find a man.

No, not ugly. Simply not stylish for a today bride. Honestly, I think that she looks good in it. Can’t wait for the strapless look to be left in the dust.

Yaas, forever young ;)

I also heard that comment when I got married for the first time at 35.

Jyn Erso from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story dresses exactly like her male counterpart (ie. for the task at hand, not objectification) including low-heeled, sturdy boots.

The toy people can keep throwing this shit at me, but my kids always just want Lego.

What in the hell is with those unboxing videos. My nephew watches those constantly.

Love me some fingerlings.

“my damn tattoo artist got deported”*

Dude, what the fuck? Maybe your sample size of women who know in real life is zero, because I can assure you that I (and many, many women I know) don’t like Tiffany, but also are not “alternative” and are happy to spend $$ on beautiful jewelry, but we prefer to actually get good bang for our buck OR have a hand in

Something about calling women basic has always struck me as pretty sexist as well, tbh. Telling women they aren’t interesting enough based on the shit they like to wear is just a new fancy way for the patriarchy to put them down and tell them they’re not good enough.

Obviously you’re basic because you’re not gifting your family pendants snatched from the local artisan fair that contain mass produced beads and shitty stones.

Oh, no. You called the most important people in my life BASIC! Oh, the insult! I rue the day I gave them jewelry they like and have sentimentality towards!

I am a loyalist. My wife and my daughters all have Tiffany initial pedants that will need to be pried from cold dead hands, among other items.

A few of my favorites (also not advice):

By peaking it easier for countries to restrict “sex tourism”, the practice of pedophiles traveling to other countries where it is easier to access children.
