
“They look like every other bland fashion blogger”

“...Delta is now charging for baggage on international economy seats.”

There are really only two reasons to wash your face in the AM. One is if you didn’t wash it before bed the night before and the other is if you haven’t changed your sheets in awhile. Aside from that you really should just need to rinse your face in cold water and start your morning skincare routine, which above all

If they get married on May the Forth Be With You day, I’m sending them some Star Wars toys for a wedding present.

Yesterday I got such a great Cyber Monday deal on airfare to London. But now it’s being eaten up in bumped up hotel costs due to the Harry engagement bounce. sad face.

They’ve been doing this at The Grove Santa for years now, they had to the line was cockoo. Last year the Xmas tree lot we went to (near Pann’s) had a Santa and it was a 1/3 of the The Grove Santa. Kids were happy and mom got a deal, win win.

Quite literally it would seem eh!

“Diptique, £300"

We sold our house in the city with the intention of moving to the burbs. Then we started looking at housing, row after row of the same house as everyone else. Then we looked at schools all clean and neat with row after row of all the kids looking exactly the same. In the end we couldn’t pull the trigger. We knew all

We live in LA near the La Brea Tar Pits.! Not going anywhere anytime soon. We have an 11 and a 9 year old. Yes, the schools suck, but we make up for that on our own. We walk, a lot. Our kids exposure to a diverse environment makes them confident, capable, mature, resilient, and friendly. At least that’s how

I’ve long said that opening marriage rights would be good for the economy. You would need loads of legislation as well as an economic incentives in order to ban it.  

No pic of her actually wearing the nails?

I walked myself down the aisle. I had someone offer to be a fill in for my dad, but I was all, “No thanks, I’m good.” But I also had 12 men stand up and moon everyone at the reception so my little rebellion was hardly noticed.

“...Black women are doing well and doing things that are traditional it’s a problem”

“OMG that is a loooot of layers of product and goop and advertising to have to slather on and peel off twice a day.”

“Can’t wait for the strapless look to be left in the dust”

“Who wants to see a combat boot kick its way to victory?”

Lego can’t put out new Lego sets fast enough. I’ve run out of space to put the damn things once they’re built.

Thank god for the internet. We usually tell the kids, give us a list of 5 things you want and we’ll pick three. So last year my daughter wanted some very specific Pokemon card sets. She found them online, borrowed my phone, and took a picture of them, so I could be sure EXACTLY which ones she wanted.