
If the comparison is about role on the court, it’s a shitty-ass analogy. The analogy he provided is about control. Don’t criticize us for denigrating the analogy if you can’t even see the problem with it.

I am guessing that it is logic.

What if your choices were:

It’s just another example of the pro-managerial bias exhibited even by those who should have no sympathies with management. The great title teams of the 80s were all put together from multiple Hall of Famers; the Lakers and Celtics played as many as 5 HoFers each during some of their title runs. The Jordan Bulls

He doesn’t own the company in either scenario. That’s the part you’re missing. He’s always an employee. And we see this all of the time with startups in your same example when someone leaves Facebook to head to Twitter or elsewhere.

I think it all comes down to the unrealistic expectation you and others have about what an athlete “should” be.

That’s a bad analogy though. Durant isn’t the CEO in OKC. He doesn’t get to choose who they hire and fire. He doesn’t get to determine business strategy. He doesn’t get to locate his business in an up-and-coming city that attracts the best and brightest. A CEO who has little control over his own business is called a

That is your problem, not his.

Mmm...nah. No offense, but I have no interest in seeing that. I really think Tarzan is a historical artifact that just flatly doesn’t work in 2016.

Is there really a call to continue retelling the story of Tarzan? It is such a product of its times (colonialism and the white dude being better at Africa than Africans) and it just seems so dated and done. How many of these movies have there been? Why do we feel like we need to keep retreading this ground? Is there

There are LOTS of patents for vague descriptions of features rather than a technical desciption of how said features are executed. That type of junk is what most patent trolls thrive off of.

I mean this guy isn’t going to win, but your arguments are very flimsy and don’t seem to grasp what he’s claiming. He’s essentially saying he created the smartphone, and all the options in his drawings are basically smartphone features - so he’s going after the largest smartphone company.

Saying it’s not even close

Didn’t Apple win a very large lawsuit against Samsung for this reason?

They are real. If you are uncomfortable with what they represent, you’re a racist. Probably “old” and white too.

Holy straw man, Batman!

Yeah, it’s all about keeping brown people out. That’s why the Chicken Tikki Masala is the national dish.

So, 52% of the British electorate are virulently racist nativists. Good to know.

Nope, it’s true. Racist old people.

Palantir doesn’t do crypto work.

“It’s okay that she said racist things, because they always say racist things.” Probably the worst take ever on Deadspin. And that’s saying something.