
Yup. He’s definitely a corrupt asshole but at least he sometimes uses his powers for good.

If Trump fails and the economy tanks, I’ll vote for Cuomo.

lol The first thing that came to mind.

Seriously, if anyone in DNC leadership thinks he would be a good candidate for 2020 needs to have his or her head examined. Dems can not afford to lose in 2020.

California, Illinois, Maryland, and Vermont all did this as well yesterday.

Well it’s good that his intense desire to be president occasionally leads him to do something decent.

Nothing indicates that she cares less about the born than pre born.

I’m going to start demanding that we grant the Martian colony statehood and full voting rights in Congress. I know it’s only a hypothetical colony at this point, but pre-colony rights are important, too.

The abortion rate is currently at its lowest point since Roe v Wade passed. Because we had Planned Parenthood and access for free birth control.

They were there to reclaim feminism for the anti-abortion movement, to use the language of feminism, but to recenter on “pre-born” women and the abortion industry. “We’re marching for the pre-born,” Lori told Jezebel. Both of them were unhappy about the unapologetically pro-choice stance of the Women’s March.

This is everything. It was also the final straw for my husband, who broke down in tears.

Oh my gosh this is wonderful!! And he looks so happy, hahaha.

My heart clenched. I’m so happy they invited him, and I’m SO happy he agreed.

Oh, cool! Yay! Three cheers for Charlie!

Look at all the pink hats! I really needed to see this after yesterday’s debacle.

Was going to make essentially the same point about the theory that there are no women and children refugees; this unfathomable, impenetrable stupidity will be the end of us.

FYI, just tried to take the commuter train from Baltimore to DC for the march. No go. The station was absolutely, completely swamped. I rode that line for years and never saw so many people. I’m sure many in the area were waiting for charter buses, but there was absolutely no way I was buying a ticket and getting on a

Today looks like it will be much better

“I think public schools should still be a thing for special needs children,” said Andrew, a former private school teacher and fan of Secretary of Education nominee Betsy DeVos. “Because the problem when they talk about vouchers is that there’s not gonna be enough money for special needs kids, so let’s have special

Honestly since “split personality syndrome” in movies is so incredibly far removed from what DID actually is and how it presents I have a hard time getting too upset about it. What we see in every movie about split personalities is essentially a fictitious illness, I can no more get upset about the portrayal on behalf