
I don’t know if all NPDs do, but Trump is the hugest NPD of them all. He has the best NPD ... textbook, even.

I would give you an individual star each for:

And this is pure speculation on my part, but I believe the International Brotherhood of Tailors have *at least* blacklisted this cankersore of a human, if not actively sought his death at the hands of mercenaries.

Or do NPDs also have a kind of body dysmorphia where they look in the mirror and see hotness where there is none?

Reverse body dysmorphia makes perfect sense, he clearly thinks hes intelligent despite all evidence to the contrary so why wouldnt the same hold true for his looks

Because he has earned the enmity of every tailor he has met. Every. One.

His coterie of sycophants would never tell him something doesn’t look perfect.

I think he is too vain to ask for other people’s opinions about how his clothes should fit or how his hair and skin should look. He just wants to be told he looks great no matter what.

Personal theory: Any tailor taking a crack at Trump probably has to match Trump’s tastes. Any difference of opinion, or attempt at deviation probably means firing. Trump looks the way Trump wants to look. I’d imagine his three wives might have tried to argue with it, but we know he considers them disposable.

That’s what I don’t get. He seems to be vain as hell, but NOTHING about him would indicate that. His hair is a joke, his skin is unnatural, he’s overweight, and he wears terrible-fitting clothes. Or do NPDs also have a kind of body dysmorphia where they look in the mirror and see hotness where there is none?

I am always amazed at how poorly his clothes fit. I’m not shaming him for his body shape, I’m just confused. We know he’s a man who cares a lot about his image. We know he’s a man who claims to have buckets of money. Why does he always look like he’s dressed himself from the clearance rack at Sears?

Too busy grabbing pussy

Honestly, does the man not have ANYTHING to wear that is even remotely tailored to fit his bulbous figure?

Remember when Trump was criticizing Obama for playing golf so much?

“I’m offended by you threatening to rape and murder my family.”

I’m really not surprised some people are missing the point. People are saying things on the internet that they would never say in real life. That’s the entire premise of trolls having won 2016. You know, the title of this very article.

Are you asking if I want to hear a woman being called a cunt? No, I don’t.

I like to think of this whole thing as one giant study on the concept of “groupthink”. It really goes o show how the masses are powerful and that being right or wrong has nothing to do with it: put enough scumbags in s group and they can shout down even the most righteous of people.