
God he looks gross now. Like a skeevy old perv who peeps in people’s windows.

Virginia just made it so 12 year olds can no longer get married this past week.

Was this Theo’s wife?

I am so sorry for your loss. This accident is heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing who she was.

Is this an “all white people look the same” joke? Because these men do not look the same.

That number, 11,300, doesn’t include the hundreds they destroyed to make room for more rape kits either.

Those officers are a bunch of pathetic, crying, man-babies. Laughable and pathetic. I hope they have a patient person willing to change their nappies.

Please stand up to the asshole contingent. Please disagree with them, challenge their idiotic assertions, and speak the truth of things. It is not easy but it is imperative. When no one challenges them, they assume everyone agrees with them.

From what I have read Melissa McCarthy was supposed to orignially be the transit worker and Jones the scientist. Jones wrote something explaining the change but I can remember her explanation or where I saw it but I bet some google-fu would reveal it again.

This makes me cry. So true and so sad.

I am so sorry for your loss. Eighteen years. Man. I know there is a huge hole in your heart, in your home, and in your life. I am sending you hugs and love.

I do not understand how an unattractive, rude, dishonest, gaslighting asshole like that guy gets such an attractive, generous partner as this woman. I hope she dumps his ass. He’s a shit-covered asshole.

This guy is a monster. I really loathe him.

Learned helplessness on the part of the people who care. Racism on the part of the people who don’t see the problem. That “greatest country on earth” shit is just an oxymoron like military intelligence, preemptive war, and peace-keeping missiles.

I agree with Kara. This is a bad time for a tangent and yet another person changing the subject about cops killing black people. Your tangent was stupid and ill-timed. We’re not talking about Nicki Fucking Minaj. But way to shift to blaming another black person instead of dealing with the issue.

With her eyebrows on? She has detachable eyebrows? And she doesn’t wear her eyebrows sometimes?

I bet her parents are exactly the same way.

During the Raleigh show, which stormed and rained and was delayed twice due to lightning, her mic went out during Freedom. Within seconds, SECONDS, a sound guy in waders was wading out a new mic to her. It was one of the most epicly professional moments I have ever seen in a show. He had to be standing by waiting just

Your comment suggests you are dismissing the risk.

You are so fucking ageist. He’s what? Six years older than Hillary? Ageism sucks. So much bigotry.