
That is “a” version of how it went down. Not a true one but “a” version.

I agree with her. She is entitled to her opinion. We need a huge change. It’s either Sanders or Viva La Revolution!

Gullible. Like she is really helping any other candidate.

You seriously need to shut the fuck up. You’re the one who is “low information” if you believe this money isn’t going straight to Hills. Just like the Clinton Foundation pays everyone in her family and puts them up in five star hotels at exotic locations for, er, charity. So fucking stupid.

Oh yeah. I bet that money will help other candidates like the Clinton Foundation helps people who don’t have the last name “Clinton”.

You’re the one being a fucking whiner.

No he’s not. Not remotely. What is wrong with you? Hillary supporters are almost like Trump supporters in their sheer meanness. Also their lack of smarts.

Clinton’s biggest gathering has been 5,000 people. Sanders’ was 25,000 people. She knows she can’t win without these big donors because she is not likable and people know she is bought and paid for by corporate interests. So sick of the rich trying to buy all the elections. I hope Sanders wins and I hope they all

This bill is indeed bigoted and horrible but it is a distraction from something else, mark my words. What fresh hell is McCrory sneaking into place for the people of North Carolina? Another bill that says people aren’t entitled to fresh water and that polluters don’t have to clean up their pollution? Another fracking

That was uncalled for. I hope you’re banned for it.

I went to the first (last and only) animal rights march on Washington in the 90's. Christopher Reeves spoke from the podium. This was before his accident. He was received warmly and then he started talking about how it was all good and well to love animals but we had to understand that some animals needed to be used

I thought she was signed on to play Nina Simone in the new biopic.

Bernie bros are not even a real thing. Take your I’mWithHer-assment elsewhere. Your troll game is boring and lame. F.

Terrible (probably pretend) lawyer is incapable of understanding basic concepts...accuses people of trolling. Ha! Hilarious since fake lawyer is clearly trolling. Posting uncapitalized comments from a comment section does not equal reason. I give you a D-.

Troll Level: “Meh...old dude trying to figure out a smart phone”

My comment makes perfect sense. If you are too stupid to understand that appointing a judge who has already written an article supporting Citizens United means that when the decision comes before him on the court he will almost certainly not overturn it, you are indeed very stupid. Too stupid to be breathing air.

That is a truly stupid comment. If that’s is your idea of smart... Hahahahahahaahahahahahhaha! You truly are an idiot AND an asshole. An ignoranus, if you will.

I remember when they defended Sandra Fluke the same way. Oh wait.... That never happened. In fact, look how long it took them to defend Megyn Kelly!?!

So ignore the fact that this guy has written an article supporting Citizen’s United? Are you stupid? That’s like, “Ignore the fact that the guy killed his last wife and buried her in the backyard. He probably won’t kill you, or, if he does, it probably won’t be right away. The cops have a long haul responsibility to

That is not true. I see you’ve been reading the propaganda put out by Rick Berman. Or you are, or work for, Rick Berman. Fuck Rick Berman and all the people who will say anything if you pay them enough.