
This is not a pea coat.

Wow, why did I never think of that!?! A good night's sleep you say? I spent hours trying unsuccessfully to get one of those last night. A long walk or a drive? That would be great...if I could make myself leave my house. Heck, sometimes I can't even get out of bed. Problem Solved!?! Not.

Um, Johnny Depp just play Tonto. So disappointed in that.

Or one could work to make a site that is more good than bad better.

And yet here you are.


Vmarle said self-righteously!

Oh please. The stories people tell themselves.

The talking point of the paid posters is clear. It is, "Of all the pressing issues to cover, including (insult the president here) ..."

Of course it's wrong! Any writer who has ever had their work stolen will tell you that it is wrong. Only a complete idiot would say it wasn't wrong! Or a brainwashed libertarian. Or a paid poster.

Let's not forget his rush to second amendment remedies either. Duels anyone?

She would look so much younger without that eyeliner on the lower lid. It makes the eyes look small and shows bags under the eyes. Women over 35 are better off wearing liner only on the top lid.

This site loathes Russell Brand. Come on now.

Patton Oswalt just posted a very funny series of tweets with the hashtag #CareerEndingTwitterTypos. None of them are featured here. It started a bunch of other people also posting funny tweets on that theme, only one of which is posted here.

It would be interesting to do a search of posts and see how many of the posters who thought the Trayvon Martin/blackface murder costume was okay (and that we were PC to bring it up) are now going off on this girl for portraying a white victim of violence.

This young woman was raped last Thanksgiving so the rape threats are especially sickening.

Anecdotal evidence (or, word of fang).

Clearly "transition" doesn't mean what you think it means.

Yes! Leave the Hobbits to write those hobbit stories. And so on... And no men should write women characters! And only CHILDREN SHOULD WRITE CHILDREN'S BOOKS!!!