felt the bern

Finally someone with sense. How are there this many Trumpster Dumpsters on this site? Are they paid or what?

Actually, I already finished with you.

No, Hillary is the most qualified candidate in history. She literally has credentials that no other candidate has ever had. First Lady, Senator, AND Secretary of State? You must be a Trumpster Dumpty Doo Dah.

Insults. How clever! Hey, where did you learn that one? Clown school?

Got it. Rape culture is intractable and there’s nothing we can do about it. Makes sense. Rape culture probably doesn’t even exist. The patriarchy is just a conspiracy theory.

Sorry if I am not detecting your sarcasm but, like, what? Nobody is getting rid of innocent until proven guilty. We are getting rid of rape culture.

Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea have done more for the black community than any other charity on earth. It’s literally a crazy idea to think that Hillary won’t solve this and a plethora of other issues starting with poverty, gang violence, and unemployment. She has a plan and that plan works.

You’ve got to be kidding me. Come back from the wilderness.

Rape culture can expand without actual rape. Hmmm, looks like you learned something new today :)

Are you fucking kidding me?

You are literally apologizing for rape when you post this.

I disagree. This story was an enormous setback and now rape culture is en vogue yet again thanks to Trump. Rape accusers should always be believed until it is proven not true.

You read that Art guy’s comment? You have the patience of a saint.

Rick Snyder, Michigan’s Republican Governor, poisoned Flint’s water on purpose. The evidence is there. The dots are connected. How is he not in jail?

Yeah, I feel you on that one. Jigga Man wants to be a business man. He’s done with the rap game.

Lord Almighty. Are you on my side or not?

Just... I’m sorry. I have to say this. Feel free to keep me in the greys if you want but I have to say this.

I love stuff like this. Looks pretty cool.

Those are bogus stats. Most companies [even Gawker] are unionized. You are literally commenting on a union website. That’s why many feel so strongly about unions around here. Hey, me included.
