Muhammad Bilal Islam

The black dude? That's what I'm thinking too. Brother Blood already had dirty cops on his payroll.

Nailed it

Seriously it annoys me

- Couldn't agree with point 1 more
- That kind of information can't be too hard to find if it can come out in a trial
- Point 4, also very valid

Laws of fiction? Do you remember how Team Arrow pretty much failed in season 1? That's when I knew I was in love with this show.

He definitely writes the best reviews for this show

The lightning comment (foreshadowing for Kid Flash)? I thought that was cool.

I kind of agree where you're coming from. Arrow hasn't blown me completely away since "Three Ghosts" but there are still a lot of great moments. I know they're taking the slow burn route building toward an epic season finale so I'm happy to ride along, bumps and all, until then.

Better not be 3 or 4, those need to be separate characters. #1 is the most likely.

I've been hearing good things about the 100, gotta check it out

Well we already know Brother Blood had a hand in the police department

Deathstroke fucks with everyone

What language are you speaking? This can't be English because that sentence wouldn't make any sense.

Brother Blood is a good second-tier villain, especially considering the first tier is Deathstroke

Slade had the best lines of the night for sure

It's not torture for me

Deathstroke's suit is sick as hell. I for one also think the Flash suit looks pretty legit as well.

SHIELD got an A-? How?

I must have missed that implication, if you could refresh my memory that would be great

1. Huh?