This very group of websites, formerly known as Gawker before a mighty Hogan leg drop felled them, has made tasteless Hitler “jokes” in the past. Seems very hypocritical to me...
“How dare you tell me I can’t hire Mexican slaves anymore!!!1!”
Ahh yes, someone making Hitler jokes is very disgusting. Not like the company you work for ever did something like that.
Chummy with Russia like selling of 20% of our Uranium to them for money to the Clinton Foundation while she was SoS?
Keep letting people in illegally and the violence will be as bad as Mexico.
Lying under oath is perjury. There is no difference in what the lie is.
By lie you mean perjury, a felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison?
AIDS relief like giving watered down AIDS drugs to Africa? Or how about this in the Podesta emails about conspiring with companies to keep US prices artificially higher:
I’ll just leave this WikiLeaks Podesta email here....
He dismissed my reply to him so I’ll put it here where he can’t.
No I ask because I’ve yet to see proof of these mass amounts of Nazis out there that need punching. It seems a lot like the KKK, who despite having less than 6000 members in the US (.00002% of US), always show up and get press as some sort of evidence of mass white supremacy.
So how do you decide whos a Nazi and whos not? Anyone that doesn’t agree with your ideology that day?