
The trailers weren’t funny, and the reviews were middling. The most positive things said was “it wasn’t that bad” and “McKinnon was great” Rotten Tomatoes states about 57% of the audience liked it. It felt like many sites were trying to prop the movie up as much as possible, with little substance behind their

Why do men have to be kicked in the nuts for laughs?

Just so all the Jezzers are clear - Ghostbusters is good because women and Suicide is Squad is bad because Jared Leto (man). Got it? Great!

this baby nero looks like he’d slit my throat to use my blood as rouge. no.

Basically unreadable, yep.

Hopefully the boy’s mother has a chance to speak at the 2020 DNC.

So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?


As a Maine resident, I would have given up and died along the way too.

Dolph Whalegren

Then you are dumb as fuck. Thanks for commenting.

Or saying Hillary “Misspeaks occasionally”

This is hilarious considering the hateful garbage gawker, Jezebel and gawker media in general allows to be posted against republicans, conservatives, Christians and men.

I watched the whole thing and I don’t quite know what was racist.

Early 21st century virtue signalers were weird and slightly race-obsessed.

Oh, get the fuck over yourself. Sheesh.


Yes actually that’s why we buy it.

Sex sells. It’s a fact of business. If they can make more money by putting in a bit of cheesecake, they will. Like Remy’s victory animation where he unbuttons his shirt for no reason. Or anything Poison does. Or Sexy (bearded) Ryu!