
Would love to see a physics-based RTS where units don’t have set attack values, but instead projectile velocity and material that interacts with the material it hits.

Yes, I know it’s probably only me but this attract screen on the first movie clearly stands MONSTER SEX TUTORIAL! +1 000 000 free views at the release :D

I have to be a conspiracy theorist to do that?!

Don’t care what others say. Still my favorite anime.

Now playing

Ironically, this is the latest thing I linked, so here goes paste:

Luche Lazarus

What kind of crack did you smoke to feel compelled to answer him with such an odd comment.


*tears of Ron Jeremy*

God fucking damn it! Look at this! “Top Countries Searching for Overwatch” and is any of them America? NO! NOT ONE!

OK but the real question is why pretty much ALLL the overwatch porn is futa.

It’s the feathers. From the old to the new they always need feathers. Someone covered in a feather armor. A feather in the hair. Raining feathers. Feathers explosions when you pull a sword. Winged monsters that drop feathers when they fly. FEATHERS!

I can’t remember who said it, but an important FF creatore said that it’s a Final Fantasy game so long as the menus are blue.

It’s not black and white on Sunday when the strip is printed in color.

This new remix of the classic Final Fantasy theme is really cool, too.

I made a trick to remember which is which. It basically has to do with which position you’d imagine a whore classically being depicted in then smiling in delight that horizontal verbally starts with the word whore.

ummm you forgot the arguably best adaptation of a video game to movie and that is Mario Bros.

No they don’t... well they might beg I suppose... but it would be futile.

I was truly choked up when I discovered that I was playing a man who suffered a fatal injury while saving war orphans, and the only way to save him was to inject nanoparasites into his hand so that he could breathe. How unfortunate though that, instead of oxygen, the parasites breathe only the sweet scent of teenage

Grappler Ships! Now they just need to add some Kei Pirates and Ctarl Ctarl and I’m sold.