Muddie Mae Suggins

I'm curious what you're basing the abusive characterization on? Her and her ex definitely have a shitty relationship but I don't really recall an abuse angle, even a fairly subtle one.

Don't you think they were making fun of her from the beginning? When she's depressed because she hasn't been imprisoned, when Annie raises more money than her and Britta loses her shit, protesting the model UN thing - those are all her being ridiculous in her "good person" role.

If I just push a few buttons, I can make the whole thing… Old West color.

Oddly enough, the early 1990s. But it had been in the ratification process since the early 1800s, IIRC, before they put the sunset provision on amendments. Trivia!

I'm not a professor but a returning student and yeah, I'd say this jibes with what I've observed with some of my younger classmates. To an unfortunate level, sometimes - in one of my recent classes I overheard a frantic student discussing some kind of grade issue with our professor. He had made a mistake in a takehome

And a super secret attic family.

Eh, this article isn't especially critical. It pretty much just quotes or paraphrases her comments with no added information.


Enjoyed my NYE until my drunk got out of my control, which is something that's been happening enough lately that I'm really re-examining my drinking. It culminated in falling in such a way that I will probably need someone to look at my back, so yay?

This merchandising complaint makes no sense to me. Didn't Lucas make the a metric fuckton of his money off licensing Star Wars?

They did, it's just that there's no DNA in a human's actual sweat (i.e. the water & salt), it's in skin or hair cells that have hitched a ride with the sweat.

This is why we need Block & Tackle. So the endless discussion of whether Tom Brady rulez or sux can be quarantined there.

I heard it at the mustache parade they have every year.

*slowly backs away with tiger-repelling rock*

Plus no one gives a shit if you download a rough cut of a 40+ year old movie. They're spending their enforcement time/money on current releases.

My point is that the disc service is generally a money saver even if Netflix is throttling you, that's why I used the cheapest streaming rental to compare. It's even more obviously a money saver if you're comparing the cost to HD rentals ($5 each). Plenty of movies aren't available on any of the subscription streaming

Yeah, I'm thinking of getting it again. My fiance LOVES movies and is spending a surprising amount of money on streaming rental fees. Also, we're lazy and there is no Redbox near us.

Really? That's weird, I wonder why they aren't in Canada. You'd think it'd be the natural place to expand.

Clearly internet piracy ran away with his wife, and hit the family dog on their way out of town.

I remember hearing about that, but honestly I never noticed it when I had the discs. I wonder what level of disc-usage you had to be at to be throttled, or if it only affected certain areas. I'm thinking some cities with a high volume of customers might not have been able to have sufficient processing facilities.